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Weather: very cold conditions, low-pressure front continue to affect country

RAMALLAH: Weather in Palestine today is expected to be partially cloudy to cloudy and very cold as the low-pressure front is expected to continue to affect the country. Temmperature is expected to drop, and rain is expected to fall from time to time, ...

RAMALLAH: Weather in Palestine today is expected to be partially cloudy to cloudy and very cold as the low-pressure front is expected to continue to affect the country. Temmperature is expected to drop, and rain is expected to fall from time to time, especially in the northern and central regions, according to the Palestinian Meteorological Department (PMD).

Winds are southwesterly to westerly, moderate to active. Sea waves are meduim.

In the evening and night hours, the weather is expected to be very cold and rainy over most areas, sometimes accompanied by thunderstorms.

Weather on Thursday will be partly cloudy and cold to very cold, and scattered showers of rain are expected to fall in some areas, which may be accompanied by thunderstorms at times.

On Friday, partly cloudy to cloudy are expected to prevail, with a rise in temperatures, as the weather remains cold to very cold. Scattered showers of rain are expected to fall in some areas, which may be accompanied by thunderstorms at times.

Saturday’s w
eather is expected to be partially cloudy to cloudy and very cold with another rise in temperature. Scattered rain showers are expected in most areas.

The PMD warned citizens against flood formation in low areas and valleys, slippery roads, low horizontal visibility and strong winds.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA
