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Weather: Cold conditions, scattered rain expected

RAMALLAH: Weather in Palestine today is expected to be partially cloudy to cloudy and very cold, with no change in temperature, according to the Palestinian Meteorological Department.

Scattered rain is expected in some areas. Wind is southwesterly to westerly, moderate, active at times. Sea waves are meduim.

In the evening and night hours, wweatheris expected to be cold to very cold, and scattered rain showers are expected.

Weather on Tuesday will be partially cloudy to cloudy as temperature is expected to slightly increase. A chance of scattered rain showers are expected in some areas.

On Wednesday, weather is expected to be partly cloudy to clear and relatively cold, especially over the mountainous areas, as another rise in temperatures is expected.

Thursday’s weather is expected to be partially cloudy to clear. Temperature is set to rise and become higher than its annual average.

The PMD warned citizens against floods in valleys and low areas, strong wind, slippery roads, and low horizontal visibilit

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA