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University of Science, Technology Hosts 2nd Sustainable Food Security Cluster Meeting

Ramtha: The University of Science and Technology hosted the second meeting of the Sustainable Food Security Cluster on Thursday, as part of the Higher Education for Innovation and Growth project supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

The event brought together the Dean of the Agriculture Faculty, and the Director of the Center of Excellence for Innovative Projects at the university, along with 150 industrial partners and researchers.

The objectives of the meeting focused on familiarizing participants with technical and financial opportunities within the cluster, while also fostering effective partnerships through collaborative networking sessions. These sessions aimed to strengthen connections between the university’s research sector and private enterprises involved in food production, manufacturing, or distribution.

The project aims to bolster the economic impact of universities by enhancing graduates’ skills to meet market demands, and by leveraging university resear
ch and technical capabilities to serve private sector needs.

It also seeks to establish a framework where Jordanian higher education institutions provide comprehensive, high-quality education that is aligned with market requirements, promotes innovation for economic growth through industry partnerships, enhances the core functions of higher education institutions, and creates sustainable platforms for collaboration among higher education institutions, industry, youth, community, and government stakeholders.

Source: Jordan News Agency