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Transport Minster, Spanish counterpart discuss means to boost cooperation

Transport Minister Kamel el Wazir met with Spanish Transport Minister Raquel Sánchez to discuss boosting bilateral cooperation in different transportation fields in the presence of Head of Egyptian National Railways Mostafa Abul Makarem.


In a statement of the ministry on Thursday 30/9/2021, Wazir lauded the distinguished ties binding the two countries in different domains, including the transport one, adding that the Spanish companies are basic partners to the Egyptian Ministry of Transport in all railway and metro projects as they contribute 50 percent to these projects.


Wazir said that there are promising investment opportunities in the transport sector in Egypt that depend on engaging in the management and operation of railway utility to present distinguished service to people.


The ministry is paying great attention to the green transport within the framework of the Egyptian government’s keenness on decreasing harmful emissions, Wazir said, adding that the ministry aims at expanding green transport and electric traction projects.


Meanwhile, Sánchez lauded the the Egyptian-Spanish ties and the fruitful cooperation in the transport sector, pointing out to the keenness of the Spanish companies to take part in transport projects in Egypt.


Sánchez also lauded the investment atmosphere in Egypt, asserting that it is promising to all the companies aiming at joint cooperation.


Source: State Information Service Egypt

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