
Together reveals… controversy over the establishment of industrial chambers

Al-Khalil - Ma'an - Various informed sources revealed that the head of the General Federation of Palestinian Industries, Nassar Nassar, intends to establish industrial chambers that aim to advance and protect Palestinian industry. According to source...

Al-Khalil – Ma’an – Various informed sources revealed that the head of the General Federation of Palestinian Industries, Nassar Nassar, intends to establish industrial chambers that aim to advance and protect Palestinian industry.

According to sources, many businessmen and industrialists expressed their admiration for the idea, expressing their optimism and interaction with the trend that comes after the current government, headed by Muhammad Mustafa, created a Ministry of Industry, which is managed by Arafat Asfour, who comes from an industrial background and is originally from the city of Hebron. A number of specialized unions have joined in the admiration.

The sources confirmed in separate conversations with our correspondent in Hebron that a heated debate is taking place in the corridors of the General Federation of Industries and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, between supporters and opponents…

One of the sources said: ‘We are in dire need of establishing industrial
chambers, whose managers must have a background of workers and producers in the national industry, to review all the legislation and laws regulating the industry, and to enact new legislation that is in line with the supreme national interest of the national industry, and protects our industry and products.’

Another source added: “The debate is still going on between the General Federation of Industries and the Federation of Chambers. The Federation of Industries believes that industry should be separated from trade, and each works in his own field, while the Federation of Chambers rejects the idea from its foundations.”

He added: ‘If the chambers of industry come to light, half of the members of the chambers of commerce, if not more, will join the chambers of industry, and this will negatively affect the resources of the chambers of commerce, and may open the door to the establishment of agricultural chambers, and this will lead to a significant decline in the performance of the chambers of commerce and it
s union, which until now enjoys great economic strength, as it represents more than 60 thousand members under the wings of the chambers of commerce in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and this will weaken its representation locally and internationally.’

A third source believes that the visions regarding the industrial chambers are not yet clear. In addition to the diminishing role of the Federation of Chambers, the role of the industrial unions will diminish, as will the General Federation of Industries, which will be dissolved into the Palestine Chamber of Industry in the future.

He continued in his speech: ‘The existence of an industrial chamber is an urgent need, as it specializes in industry and its main concern will be industry, developing laws, and finding new markets through networking with its counterparts in countries around the world, in addition to other activities.’

But here the third source says: ‘What is the form of these chambers, and who will lead them? On the surface, we know that they are in
dustrial, but who will manage them, and what are the mechanisms and internal systems that will organize the work in them? Will elections be held for the first round, or will they be appointed? What is the relationship between the industrial chambers and industrial unions?’

He added: “The administrative body of the Chamber of Industry represents the face of the industry, and over many years, experiences have accumulated and Palestinian industries have developed tremendously, thanks to the experience of the fathers and the skill of the sons. From my point of view, we need the sons to lead these chambers, who spare no effort in developing their industry and adapting the difficulties they face and turning them into success stories. We must step aside and make room for them to take off further.”

The sources agree that the head of the Palestinian Federation of Industries, Nassar Nassar, has a vision and his goal is to advance and protect the national industry and open new markets for it. They also agreed that the
time has come for him to come out and clarify to everyone which industrial chamber he is talking about, and whether it is for everyone or is it tailored to size.

Source: Maan News Agency
