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TMC: 2 INJURED IN 2 ROAD ACCIDENT WITHIN LAST 24 HOURSPetroleum Min. confers with ADES Holding officials on progress of drilling older oil fields

2 persons have been reported injured in 2 road accident within the last 24 hours, the Traffic Management Center said on Tuesday.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Tarek El Molla, discussed on Tuesday 30/1/2024 with the CEO of ADES Holding Mohamed Farouk, and the company’s Regional Director Ahmed Mohy, the capabilities the company possesses in the field of well drilling and its upcoming work program.

This comes in light of ADES Holding winning areas affiliated with Suez Oil Company (SUCO), (Ras Badran and Gulf of Zeit fields) and Offshore Shukheir oil Company (Osoco) (Shuqair Marine, Ras El Ash, East Zeit, and Ashrafi fields) in the Gulf of Suez in the first-ever global tender offered by the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) for older oil fields in the Gulf of Suez and the Eastern Desert, which still contain quantities of crude oil.

Source: State Information Service Egypt