
The Presidential Committee for Church Affairs: The flag march in Jerusalem is a blatant attack on the rights and sanctities of Muslims and Christians

Jerusalem - Ma'an - The Supreme Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine condemned the Judaizing settlement flag march organized by racist settler groups in occupied Jerusalem, and considered it a blatant assault not only on the rights ...

Jerusalem – Ma’an – The Supreme Presidential Committee for Church Affairs in Palestine condemned the Judaizing settlement flag march organized by racist settler groups in occupied Jerusalem, and considered it a blatant assault not only on the rights and feelings of Muslims and their sanctities, but also on the rights and feelings of Christians and their sanctities, and it is a translation of government policies and procedures. Settlement and racism that seeks to implement its colonial project in the city of Jerusalem.

The committee added, in a statement issued today, its chairman, member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Dr. Ramzi Khoury, this aggressive march, the invasion of Al-Aqsa Mosque by hundreds of settlers and members of the Knesset, the desecration of its sanctity and the violation of its status, and the acts of bullying, sabotage and assault on the Palestinians by the occupation forces and settlers, express the level of abhorrent hatred and terrorist ideology am
ong these groups led by ministers in the occupation government.

The Committee called on the churches of the world and their institutions, the free world and the relevant international institutions to take urgent action and take decisive positions towards these extremist groups and the occupation government that leads, finances and protects them, condemn their ideology and actions, and provide international protection for the Palestinian people, their land and their sanctities.

The committee reaffirmed that the city of Jerusalem, with its Islamic and Christian sanctities, identity, land, heritage and civilization, which has been occupied for 57 years, is an occupied Palestinian city, and is the eternal capital of the State of Palestine and its people, in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy, which are recognized by 148 countries around the world.

The committee concluded its statement by affirming that this war on land and sanctities in the occupied city of Jerusalem and the rest of th
e Palestinian territories is inseparable from the continuation of the ongoing aggressive war of genocide against our people in the Gaza Strip, and the settlement operations, killing, arrest and destruction in the cities, villages and camps of the occupied West Bank.

Source: Maan News Agency
