
Solidarity Charity Association continues its charitable and medical projects for the benefit of needy families

Nablus - Ma'an - The Solidarity Charitable Society in Nablus has kept up with the needs of citizens from orphan families and families who are going through difficult health and economic conditions, and has continued to implement its charitable project...

Nablus – Ma’an – The Solidarity Charitable Society in Nablus has kept up with the needs of citizens from orphan families and families who are going through difficult health and economic conditions, and has continued to implement its charitable projects that aim to provide the necessary assistance within a program that includes a number of charitable projects implemented by the society through charitable people in the governorate.

Among the charitable medical projects provided by the association for medical cases, it provided (8) medical beds for eight patients who were required to remain in bed without moving, and they needed medical beds like those in the hospital. The association also provided two CEPAP respirators for two medical cases who were in dire need of them so that they could leave the hospital and receive the rest of their treatment at home safely without fear of suffocation. The association also provided a BIPAP respirator for a family head with a chronic lung disease, in addition to (8) GENERAT
OR 5L / 10L respirators for 8 individuals suffering from lung problems and in dire need of the aforementioned respirators so that they could breathe properly without being exposed to the risk of suffocation. It provided (2) portable respirators for two patients who needed oxygen all the time without interruption. The association also provided an oxygen cylinder for another medical case, in addition to a phlegm suction device and (7) regular medical chairs, (3) electric mattresses, (2) walkers and a bathroom chair for medical cases suffering from difficult health conditions. In need of medical devices to alleviate their illness, the association also provided the price of a paralysis assist device worth 1200 shekels for a girl suffering from a disease that affected her ability to walk, and for two girls who also suffer from difficulties in walking, the association provided them with the cost of physical and occupational therapy sessions for a period of 6 months. This medical assistance was provided to people su
ffering from health problems and in dire need of these supplies according to the medical reports extracted from the doctors.

The association also participated in providing the necessary things related to urgent surgeries and prosthetics, as it provided 3,500 shekels to install a prosthetic limb for a head of a family who lost his leg, and it also helped another head of a family whose leg was amputated by installing a prosthetic limb for him at a cost of (5,000 shekels). It also provided 11,000 shekels for the cost of removing a deformity from the face of a little girl, in addition to providing an amount of 5,000 dollars, which is the remaining amount for a cochlear implant operation for a child who lost his hearing, and an amount of (4,000 shekels) as a contribution to a surgical operation for a patient, which is the percentage required of him after obtaining health coverage.

Within the project of refurnishing and restoring homes, the association provided (500 dinars) as rent for a family threatened with ev
iction and whose breadwinner had lost his job since the beginning of the war. It also provided (3) washing machines for three families in need of them. The association provided another family with 4 mattresses and a closet, and a sofa set for another family. It provided a table and two beds for a family in need of them. The association provided another family in need of tiles for their home with 31 meters of wall tiles.

The association also used to extend a helping hand to families in need of a source of income and self-reliance, so it provided three operational projects for three families in need of self-reliance in earning their livelihood.

The Solidarity Association and the beneficiary families expressed their thanks to the benefactors who participate in charitable work on an ongoing basis and for their assistance to poor and sick families.

Source: Maan News Agency
