Home » Finance » Sisi: State proceeds on different track to possess real economic pillars

Sisi: State proceeds on different track to possess real economic pillars

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi asserted on Tuesday that the state is moving on a track that is different from before with the aim of possessing real economic pillars and benefiting from the geographical location as well as accomplishing projects precisely and at lower costs.


Speaking during a visit to Alexandria Port to check on work progress, Sisi noted that the state intervenes to solve all problems related to mega projects and its expansion such as the state’s expropriation of property and compensation for citizens, noting that such intervention helped in finalizing any project according to a set schedule. Such policy is different from what had been done over many years when the state was asking investors to be involved in the development projects.


During his visit to Alexandria Port, Sisi received firsthand information about work to upgrade its multi-purpose logistics station, docks and advanced warehouses.


Sisi gave an example of Ain Sokhna Port that was established 25 years ago saying that the state is exerting all efforts to expand and upgrade it to help lure in investors.


He pointed out that since 2005, the state has taken a decision to maintain the level of public debt despite the negative impact of population growth and high demand for employment.


The president demanded a good compensation for citizens whose homes will be evacuated to develop the back shipyards of Alexandria Port.


Addressing the minister of transport, Sisi said the plan to remove such homes was part of the port’s security and that is why they have to be removed.


Source: State Information Service Egypt

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