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Shaker, Swedish minister probe boosting bilateral cooperation

Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohamed Shaker Thursday met with Swedish Minister for Foreign Trade Anna Hallberg to discuss ways of boosting bilateral cooperation.

The two sides tackled ongoing cooperation between Egypt and Sweden in different domains, including training a number of Egyptian youth to use state-of-the-art technologies in networks, particularly smart, digital and constant voltage grids.

Also, the two ministers probed mechanisms for benefiting from the expertise of Swedish companies to achieve integration among different renewable energies.

Shaker hailed distinguished relations binding Egypt and Sweden, in addition to the Swedish active participation in Egyptian power sector projects, the ministry said in a statement.

Swedish companies are a reliable partner and have mainly contributed to electricity projects in Egypt, the statement added.

Hallberg, for her part, commended the quantum leap carried out by the Egyptian government in the electricity and energy sector, thus opening the door for private sector investments.


Source: State Information Service Egypt

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