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Rainfalls increase rainy season by 55%

Amman: The Ministry of Water and Irrigation - Jordan Valley Authority said that the current rainfalls have increased the annual long-term average, which is about 8.1 billion cubic meters annually, by 55.3 percent as of Sunday morning. The percentage o...

Amman: The Ministry of Water and Irrigation – Jordan Valley Authority said that the current rainfalls have increased the annual long-term average, which is about 8.1 billion cubic meters annually, by 55.3 percent as of Sunday morning. The percentage of rainfall from the annual long-term average in the same period last year was 39.7 percent.

A ministry statement issued Sunday said that the amount of rain that entered the dams during the past 24 hours amounted to 4.5 million cubic meters, raising the total storage in the main dams to 115.5 million cubic meters, with a total storage rate of 40 percent of their storage capacity of 288.128 million cubic meters. The highest amount of rainfall was recorded in Khan Al-Zabib village in southern Amman during the past 24 hours, and it amounted to 15.8mm.

Source: Jordan News Agency
