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PSD: Any gatherings along Jordan’s border areas to be barred

Public Security Directorate (PSD) said it is continuing its duties to maintain citizens’ security and preserve property and assets. The PSD called on observing instructions issued for gatherings to maintain the participants’ security and safety. In a statement Thursday, the directorate affirmed its “full” commitment to preserving the citizens’ rights to express their opinions in a peaceful manner, in accordance with the provisions of the law. PSD noted its continued work in accordance with security plans that were developed to ensure compliance with relevant orders and instructions, especially with regard to determining gathering locations and preventing any gatherings in the border areas, or any places that may disrupt aspects of life, or cause danger to citizens. The directorate called on people, who wish to take part in vigils to express their opinion within the law framework and adhere to the specified locations. The PSD said attempt to bypass designated sites is disallowed to preserve the participants’ safety and public security and peace. Additionally, the directorate expressed its regret at yesterday’s events in Amman’s Rabieh area by a minority group that broke the gathering goals and carried out riots, assaulted public security personnel, used Molotov cocktails, and inflicted public and private harm on innocent citizens. The directorate added that this group does not represent the majority of committed citizens. The PSD announced a number of rioters were arrested and will be referred to specialized judicial authorities, hoping that such violations will not reoccur. The PSD urged full cooperation with public security staff, who give priority in their work to protect participants in marches, facilitate expression of their opinions and exercise their constitutional right, preserve security and community peace and prevent any violations.

Source: Jordan News Agency