
Prisoners’ Club: 9,170 detainees from the West Bank 250 days after the genocide war

Ramallah - Ma'an - The Palestinian Prisoners' Club said on Wednesday that the Israeli occupation authorities, 250 days after the war of genocide, continue to escalate systematic arrest campaigns that have affected more than (9,170) detainees from the ...

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club said on Wednesday that the Israeli occupation authorities, 250 days after the war of genocide, continue to escalate systematic arrest campaigns that have affected more than (9,170) detainees from the West Bank, including Jerusalem, in addition to thousands. Of our people in Gaza, and more systematic crimes continue to be carried out against prisoners and detainees .

The Prisoner’s Club added in its report that the numbers related to daily arrest campaigns do not only reflect the increase in numbers, but also in the level and intensity of crimes that accompanied the arrest campaigns, most notably the field executions carried out by the occupation army during its storming of governorates, towns and camps, which affected all groups, including them. Women and children, or crimes against prisoners inside prisons and camps, which ‘exceeded the special concepts and definitions imposed by the international human rights system, as the occupation worked as a colonial
machine to institutionalize many crimes at levels and tools not seen in the modern era, including the crimes adopted by the prison system.’

The arrest operations were focused on the families of prisoners, those who had previously been arrested, in addition to the families of martyrs, in addition to the harassment, threats, and summons that targeted the families of those ‘persecuted’ by the occupation, in addition to arresting them as hostages – specifically – the fathers .

Over the course of more than (8) months of continuous and escalating aggression, the occupation system at all levels carried out horrific and dangerous crimes against prisoners and detainees, which led to the martyrdom of no less than (18) prisoners whom the competent institutions were only able to announce, knowing that the numbers of martyrs are Among the ranks of Gaza detainees are estimated to be dozens, and the occupation had recently stated in an international press investigation that (36) detainees from Gaza had been martyred in pr
isons and camps, and to this day it refuses to disclose – fully – their identities and the circumstances of their martyrdom, in light of the continuing crime of enforced disappearance against them. Gaza detainees, so that the number of martyrs among prisoners and detainees is the highest historically according to data recorded by the competent institutions .

The Prisoners’ Club said that the total number of arrests among women amounted to more than (310), and this statistic includes women who were arrested from within the territories of 1948, and arrests among women who were from Gaza and were arrested from the West Bank, noting that among the female prisoners there were adults There are 75 of them, and they are sitting in (Damoun) prison. They are two pregnant prisoners, and the occupation continues to detain them until today. They are: Jihad Dar Nakhleh and Aisha Ghaidan .

While the number of arrests among children reached at least (640) children.

Administrative detention orders after October 7 amounted
to more than (6,627) orders, including new orders and renewal orders, including orders against children and women .

The number of arrests among journalists after October 7 reached about (85) journalists, of whom (52) remain in detention, including (14) journalists from Gaza, and among the journalists whose detention the occupation continued to detain (6) female journalists, either detained or administratively detained. Or against the backdrop of what the occupation claims is incitement .

The total number of arrests among medical personnel, based on Ministry of Health data, reached (310), and among lawyers there were no less than (30), and the number of engineers was no less than (35).

The Prisoners’ Club indicated that the majority of those arrested from the West Bank were transferred to administrative detention, as the number of administrative detainees after October 7 was the highest in history, and their number, as of the beginning of this June, reached more than (3,400) administrative detainees, includ
ing women and children .

Arrests escalated against the backdrop of incitement on social media, which affected hundreds of people from all Palestinian territories .

The total number of prisoners as of this June is more than (9,300) prisoners in the occupation prisons, including (75) female prisoners, more than (3,400) administrative detainees, and no less than (250) children, according to the data available to the relevant institutions.

In light of the intensity of the torture crimes to which Gaza detainees were subjected in the occupation prisons and camps, and what was revealed in the testimonies of those released, as well as the press investigations and international reports that were based on those testimonies, the issue of Gaza detainees today constitutes the most prominent challenge to the work of human rights institutions, especially with the continued The occupation practices the crime of enforced disappearance against the majority of detainees from Gaza, and refuses to allow the International Commi
ttee of the Red Cross to visit them and see the conditions of their detention .

The Prisoner’s Club said that the only development affecting this case is some limited legal amendments to some regulations related to the issue of Gaza detainees, specifically related to the periods of preventing them from meeting with a lawyer, which enabled institutions to obtain some answers about the whereabouts of some of them .

The Prisoners’ Club stressed that the issue of Gaza detainees needs diligent efforts to pursue it despite the aggravating and difficult conditions imposed by the occupation regarding this issue, and that talk has increased about the occupation’s allegations of its intention to open investigations into the conditions of the Sde Teman camp, as one of several camps and prisons in which authorities are detained. The occupation, Gaza detainees, are just allegations that do not carry any meaning for a system that practices genocide in front of the world, and carries out crimes of torture and field execut
ions in front of the camera lenses, in addition to the fact that the Israeli judicial system formed and continues to be an essential pillar in consolidating all the crimes occurring today, including the ongoing crimes. The rights of prisoners and detainees .

The Prisoners’ Club explained that the methods of abuse varied, between thirst and starvation and withdrawing all basic life necessities, and keeping them to a minimum. The occupation prison administration withdrew all electrical appliances and clothing, including food for the prisoners, and isolated them from the outside world until today, and forced the detainees into prison. The (cell rooms) do not accommodate these numbers, which imposed a very high state of overcrowding, in addition to medical crimes, which increased significantly .

The occupation prison administration turned all “prison systems”, including the so-called “security checks” and “numbers”, into a humiliation station. It also used prisoner transfers, as well as lawyers’ visits to a sta
tion to assault and humiliate them through the jailers and repression units, and imposed strict restrictions on visits. Including bringing the prisoner, bound and blindfolded, for the visit. In addition to that, some issues constituted an important focus, including the strip searches to which female prisoners were subjected, specifically at the temporary detention station in Hasharon Prison.

The issue of the spread of skin diseases among prisoners, specifically the disease (scabies) has also emerged in several prisons, as a result of the lack of minimum hygiene conditions, especially since the occupation prison administration withdrew clothing and kept only one spare change for each prisoner, and adopted a policy of (overcrowding). It deprived them of the minimum basic necessities to maintain personal hygiene, and carried out medical crimes against them by depriving them of the necessary treatment, knowing that among those injured were children .

The occupation also escalated the restrictions imposed on leg
al teams by preventing a number of them from visiting prisoners for unfounded pretexts and allegations, in addition to the threats they faced, and the obstacles used by the occupation prison administration to prevent visits in general, knowing that the occupation continues to prevent the International Committee of the Red Cross from Conducting visits to prisoners and detainees in Israeli occupation prisons .

The Prisoners’ Club noted that dozens of prisoners, including Gaza prisoners detained before the history of the genocide war, lost members of their families in Gaza, and some of them lost more than one member, in addition to a group of them who were supposed to be released in the past months, but the occupation kept them in prison. They are arrested to this day.

The Prisoner’s Club pointed out that the majority of those released suffer from diseases, including chronic diseases, and some of them have undergone surgical operations, in addition to the apparent psychological effects on many of them as a res
ult of what they were exposed to during their period of detention.

He recalled the prisoner martyr Farouk Al-Khatib, who recently died as a result of the medical crime he was exposed to inside prisons, where it was found that he had cancer in advanced stages without receiving the necessary treatment, in addition to being subjected to systematic abuse during his detention .

The Prisoners’ Club renewed its demand for the necessity of opening an investigation under international supervision regarding the crimes and grave violations committed against detainees and prisoners in the occupation prisons and camps, as an aspect of the ongoing genocide against our people in Gaza, despite the bleak picture that afflicts the international human rights system, and the terrifying state of helplessness that has prevailed. On its image and positions, in the face of the crimes and atrocities committed by the occupation since the beginning of the war of genocide until today .

Source: Maan News Agency
