President Abbas meets with Jordan’s King Abdullah II

AMMAN: The President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas met in the capital of Jordan, Amman, with Jordan’s King Abdullah II, and the Crown Prince Hussein bin Abdullah.

During the meeting, the President briefed the King on the latest developments on the Palestinian scene, and the ongoing contacts with all parties to immediately stop the Israeli aggression against Palestinian people, and bring humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, especially to the north of the Strip, which is exposed to real famine.

The President reiterated his rejection of the displacement of Palestinian people, whether in the Gaza Strip or in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, warning of the grave dangers resulting from the occupation army launching an attack on the city of Rafah in the south of the Strip.

President Abbas stressed that the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the Palestinian state, and falls under its responsibility and administration, adding that it is not possible to accept or deal with the Israeli plans to separate
it or cut off any inch of its land.

The President stressed the need to stop the crimes and ethnic cleansing operations launched by the occupation army and terrorist settlers against Palestinian people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the need to release detained Palestinian funds.

President Abbas touched upon the daily attacks on the city of Jerusalem and its sanctities, warning of the Israeli occupation’s intention to impose restrictions on the entry of worshipers into Al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan, stressing the need for everyone to commit to preserving the historical and legal status of the Islamic and Christian sanctities and adhering to the Hashemite custodianship.

The President stressed that achieving security and stability in the region comes through a political solution based on international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative, and the State of Palestine obtaining full membership in the United Nations by a decision of the UN Security Council, and e
mbodying the independence of the State of Palestine on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

President Abbas praised Jordan’s efforts to seek to stop the aggression against Palestinian people, bring in humanitarian aid and provide medical services through field hospitals, and support the Palestinian cause in all international forums, stressing the continuation of joint coordination between the two countries to support the official Palestinian position seeking to end the occupation in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions, and international law.

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA

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