Home » Governance » Presidency calls on US Administration to retract steps for the construction of the US Embassy in Jerusalem

Presidency calls on US Administration to retract steps for the construction of the US Embassy in Jerusalem

The Presidency today called upon the US Administration to revert the illegal steps taken by the previous administration to build the US Embassy in Jerusalem. The Presidency affirmed that respect for international law is a condition for the success of ...

The Presidency today called upon the US Administration to revert the illegal steps taken by the previous administration to build the US Embassy in Jerusalem. The Presidency affirmed that respect for international law is a condition for the success of any political solution, adding that the illegal decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the occupying power and build the US Embassy on private property confiscated in 1848 from Palestinian owners, some of whom are holders of US citizenship, is a violation of international law and an endorsement to policies of annexation and apartheid rather than policies for the benefit of a just and lasting peace. The US decision to build an embassy in Jerusalem is not just a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 478 but also of the assurances given to the Palestinian side by Washington for the Middle East Peace Process as Jerusalem on its entirety remains a final status issue for negotiations. The Presidency added that the location for the building of the US Embassy on Palestinian refugee property gives legitimacy to racist Israeli laws such as the absentee property law designed to legitimize the theft of Palestinian property. To add insult to injury, the US Administration realizes that some of the rightful owners of the land are US citizens, casting doubts about Washington’s willingness to protect the rights of Palestinian Americans. In light of the decision of the occupying state’s Planning Committee in Jerusalem to approve plans submitted by the US to build its embassy on 36 acres of private and Waqf land, confiscated in 1948 from Palestinian owners, the heirs to which are residents of Jerusalem and Palestinian-American citizens, the Palestinian Presidency confirms the following: 1. In principle and pursuant to international law, the construction of the US Embassy, or the embassy of any country for that matter, in Jerusalem is a blatant violation of UN decisions and international legitimacy. 2. The construction of the embassy on land confiscated from legitimate Palestinian owners expelled from West Jerusalem in 1948 is considered an open infringement of the rights of Palestinian refugees guaranteed by international law and a joint American-Israeli blow to any remaining hopes for a two-state solution. 3. Whatever fait accompli Israel and the US try to impose on Palestinian historical rights in Jerusalem, it will not change the international community’s recognition that East Jerusalem is part of the territory occupied by Israel since 1967 and that the permanent status of the entire city of Jerusalem will be determined only through negotiations.

Source: En – Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA
