
Post-Quake Road Reconstruction in Al Haouz: Economic Momentum on Track

Ouirgane (Al Haouz) - Driven by sustained efforts to rebuild and rehabilitate the road network damaged by the Al-Haouz earthquake, economic activity has returned to normal, while the upgrading of roads has made it possible to connect the communes and ...

Ouirgane (Al Haouz) – Driven by sustained efforts to rebuild and rehabilitate the road network damaged by the Al-Haouz earthquake, economic activity has returned to normal, while the upgrading of roads has made it possible to connect the communes and villages of the province to various urban centers, easing the movement of people and goods.

In fact, the reconstruction of roads, these vital arteries for the economy, has significantly contributed to the revival of commercial activity and the promotion of the local economy, particularly the tourism sector, which has positively impacted local businesses as well as small trades.

It is within this context that the project to upgrade the RN7 road between Tahanaout and Taroudant, particularly the section linking Ouirgane to Talat N’Yaaqoub, fits. This is one of the flagship projects of the emergency plan for upgrading the province of Al-Haouz, aimed at stimulating the economic, social, and tourism dynamics of the region.

In this regard, Redouane Ait Diouan, the ow
ner of a tourist lodge in Ouirgane, indicated that the road upgrades have visibly contributed to the promotion of tourism in the region, noting that “thanks to the road rehabilitation and restoration work, access to the lodge has become much smoother and safer for tourists.”

“The rehabilitation of the roads has allowed us to get tourism back on track, strengthen the region’s attractiveness, and increase the influx of tourists to areas that boast splendid and peaceful mountain landscapes,” he explained in a statement to MAP.

He added, on a positive note, that road construction in mountainous areas represents a crucial lever for the region’s economic development, thus opening up new opportunities for young people to create innovative tourism projects, such as ecolodges, adventure centers, and guided tour projects.

On this occasion, he urged the young people of the region “not to give up on realizing their dreams and ambitions, not to lose hope in the face of challenges, and to learn a lesson and gain new kno
wledge from each experience.”

The same goes for Rachid Boutssafat, a hairdresser from the commune of Ouirgane, who expressed his joy at seeing the major road improvements materialize as part of the post-earthquake reconstruction efforts, noting that the work continues to progress at a steady pace.

“Previously, the road connecting Tahanaout to Taroudant was a significant challenge for us, especially in winter when the situation worsened due to frequent road closures caused by torrential rains,” he recalled, adding that this road section is of vital importance for the socio-economic development of the region.

Boutssafat, who did not fail to express his gratitude to all those who contributed, directly or indirectly, to this effort, expressed the hope that this momentum of promising projects will continue to bear fruit, particularly in terms of the social and economic development of the region.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse
