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Participants in Jerusalem conf. issue final communiqué

Emerging from the Jerusalem Support Conference, which kicked off in the Egyptian capital earlier Sunday, Arab leaders agreed on a communiqué that is meant to protect the holy city in the face of the systematic, aggressive Israeli policies.

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi and his Arab counterparts issued the 19-point final communiqué, a copy of which MENA received, that stressed the following:

1 – Palestine remains the central Arab cause, with al Quds in its heart. Just and comprehensive peace could only be achieved in the Middle East after the Palestinian people regain their lawful, inalienable rights, atop of which the right of return and state independence on the pre-1967 lands, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

2 – A call for the world community to act to protect the Palestinian people in the face of the continued Israeli aggression, including the settlement activities and the apartheid regime. The UN Security Council is urged to live up to its responsibilities to actually implement resolutions related to the Palestinian cause: 242, 338, 1515 and 2334.

3 – All Israeli policies and plans are illegal and aim to legitimize the false Israeli annexation, distort the Arab identity of East Jerusalem and change the demographic makeup of the holy city.

4 – A call for the protection of all Muslim and Christian sanctuaries in East Jerusalem, and action to halt Israeli attempts meant to change the historical and legal status quo in the city and Al Aqsa Mosque.

5 – A call for all countries to act to implement UNESCO resolutions that stress that Al Aqsa Mosque is a purely Islamic place of worship for Muslims only and an integral part of the World Heritage Sites that is under sovereignty of the State of Palestine.

6 – A call for the world community to act to immediately stop Israeli settlement projects in East Jerusalem, such as the “Silicon Valley” and the “City of David”, which are harmful to the cultural landscape of the city.

7 – Rejection of Israel’s systematic policy of distorting and changing the Arab and Muslim identity of the East Jerusalem through the forced closure of national and cultural Palestinian institutions and introducing falsified school curricula.

8 – Condemnation of Israel’s arbitrary and administrative detention policy and support for the struggle of Palestinian prisoners for their freedom.

9 – Rejection of any resolution that violates the legal status quo of East Jerusalem, including the opening of offices and appointing diplomatic missions in the holy city.

10 – Welcoming UN General Assembly (UNGA) resolution no. 247/77 that demands an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the existence and impact of the Israeli colonial occupation on the land of Palestine.

11 – Urging the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel against the Palestinian people and holding the perpetrators to account.

12 – A call for the world community to act to provide protection for Palestinian civilians and implement UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions no. 904 of 1994 and no. 605 of 1987, as well as UN General Assembly (UNGA) no. A/RES/ES-10/20 of 2018 in this regard.

13 – Implementating an Arab League Council resolution to form an advisory committee of experts in international law in a bid to support Palestinian efforts to hold to account those responsible for crimes committed against the Palestinian people throughout history.

14 – Affirming Arab and Muslim collective responsibility toward al Quds and urging action to secure finances needed to implement development projects submitted by Palestine in a 2023-2025 file.

15 – Encouraging AL members to partner with Arab investment funds and private sector with the aim to establish a joint voluntary financing mechanism to support small and medium-sized enterprises in East Jerusalem.

16 – A call to outline a mechanism to implement a resolution of the 31st Arab Summit in Algeria, pertaining to donations to be deduced from telephone and cell phone bills in the local currencies of Arab countries.

17 – Appreciation for the role played by Jordan in protecting and maintaining Muslim and Christian sanctuaries in East Jerusalem.

18 – Appreciation for the Arab League General Secretariat for successfully hosting the high-level Jerusalem Support Conference.

19 – A call for AL Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit to endorse the results of the high-level Jerusalem Support Conference.

Source: State Information Service Egypt