Home » Miscellaneous » Occupying authorities threaten demolition of 11 Palestinian-owned structures east of Jerusalem

Occupying authorities threaten demolition of 11 Palestinian-owned structures east of Jerusalem

JERUSALEM: This early morning, Israeli occupation authorities notified residents of the Bedouin community of Abu Nawar, located east of occupied Jerusalem, about their intention to demolish 11 residential and agricultural structures in the community. ...

JERUSALEM: This early morning, Israeli occupation authorities notified residents of the Bedouin community of Abu Nawar, located east of occupied Jerusalem, about their intention to demolish 11 residential and agricultural structures in the community.

The targeted structures include both residential and agricultural facilities, posing a significant threat to the entire community. Locals fear a fate worse than that experienced by their ancestors when they were forcibly displaced from the Tel Arad community near Bir as-Sabe in the Naqab desert in 1948.

The land where the Bedouin community is built is entirely owned and registered as private property for the people of the neighboring town of Anata. Approximately 181 individuals, more than half of whom are children, are residing in the community.

For years, Israeli authorities have been working to clear the wilderness east of occupied Jerusalem area of its Bedouin communities, aiming to make room for expansion and the establishment of colonial settlements in th
e region. This move contributes to the ongoing transformation of the eastern part of the West Bank into a fully colonized area.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA
