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Northern Gaza subject to environmental pollution after 7 months of Israeli war

Gaza: The northern Gaza Strip is exposed to unprecedented health problems and environmental pollution, threatening serious health and ecological repercussions for over 700,000 Palestinians due to piled waste and hundreds of mass graves.

According to a statement, the office for government media Monday said the waste is estimated at 75,000 tons. Hundreds of thousands of tons of rubble are spread from homes destroyed by the Israeli forces’ bombing of the besieged enclave.

The waste caused the spread of infectious diseases to thousands of people, especially hepatitis and skin diseases and has become a fertile environment for the breeding of flies, mosquitoes, insects and harmful reptiles, according to the statement.

The statement notes that the piles of rubble from destroyed houses and the thousands of decomposed bodies underneath constitute a “dangerous” health and environmental hazard.

Municipalities are not capable of dealing with the “huge” quantities of waste and rubble due to the lack of appropriate mac
hinery and equipment after the Israeli forces bombed dozens of municipal equipment and machinery and due to the lack of fuel.

Source: Jordan News Agency