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Nasser Medical Complex, Al-Amal Hospital remain under Israeli siege, amid constant shooting

GAZA: Nasser Medical Complex and Al-Amal Hospital remain under Israeli military siege in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, according to sources. They said that the occupation's armored tanks continue to intensively target and surround Al-Amal Hosp...

GAZA: Nasser Medical Complex and Al-Amal Hospital remain under Israeli military siege in Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip, according to sources.

They said that the occupation’s armored tanks continue to intensively target and surround Al-Amal Hospital for the tenth day, amid constant shooting to prevent any movementon the ground.

The Palestinian Red Crescent said that the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis remains under Israeli military siege for the second consecutive week.

The ongoing siege on the said hospital puts at risk 150 medical personnel, 450 wounded people and around 3,000 displaced persons who sought refuge there.

Earlier yesterday, the occupation military vehicles and tanks raided the hospital courtyard and the PRCS’s headquarters, destroying the fence surrounding the buildings.

The PRCS called on the international community for an immediate intervention to protect Al-Amal Hospital, the association’s headquarters, and the patients, wounded, staff, and displaced people.

Sources reported
that the power generators in the Nasser Medical Complex will stop operating in about two days due to the severe fuel shortage.

They also added that waste remains unmanaged in the hospital’s wards and courtyards and the occupation refuses to allow the disposal of the ever-increasing amount of waste.

The staff, the injured, and the displaced are running out of food at the complex, according to sources.

He pointed out that the hospital’s operations department may stop working completely, due to the depletion of oxygen supplies.

Since last Monday, the occupation army has launched a series of intense airstrikes and artillery shelling that targeted Khan Yunis.

The occupation’s tanks invaded the the southern and western areas of the city, forcing civilians to flee the area for fear of being killed or injured.

To be noted, 14 of the 36 hospitals in Gaza are partially operating, including nine hospitals in the south and six others in the north.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA
