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Ministry of Culture: War waged by Israel is a desperate attempt to erase our national identity

RAMALLAH: The Ministry of Culture said the Israeli occupation state's targeting of historical buildings, heritage sites, museums, mosques, historical churches, and cultural institutions in the Gaza Strip; such as centers, theaters, publishing houses, ...

RAMALLAH: The Ministry of Culture said the Israeli occupation state’s targeting of historical buildings, heritage sites, museums, mosques, historical churches, and cultural institutions in the Gaza Strip; such as centers, theaters, publishing houses, public libraries, bookstores, universities, schools and artistic centers, as well as the assassination of poets, writers, artists and historians, are all part of this barbaric war against our people. ‘The war waged by the occupation against our people affects humans, stones, trees, places, and time in a desperate attempt to erase our national identity and obliterate the collective memory of our people, destroying all evidence of their connection to the land,’

In its third Preliminary Report on the Cultural Sector’s Damages, the ministry said the brutal war waged by the Israeli occupation against our people in the Gaza Strip has entered its fourth month with an escalating intensity.

“The narrative and storytelling war conducted by the occupying state to target t
he existence of our people is a continuation of the Nakba crime that has not stopped for nearly seventy years,” it added.

During their barbaric war on our people, the occupation’s planes, warships, and tanks destroyed cities, towns, and refugee camps while indulging in killing innocents, destroying places, demolishing homes with their inhabitants, and looting the heritage and heritage of our people, all in the silence of the world and the inaction of some major powers, the ministry stressed.

The Arab culture in Palestine lost prominent literary and artistic figures during this war who played a significant role in elevating and promoting national culture and Palestine’s presence in literary and artistic forums, according to the report.

Over the past three months, forty-one artists, writers, and cultural activists were killed in various attacks by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip. Many of them lost their families, libraries, studios, and numerous valuable artistic works and literary manuscripts were buried
under the rubble.

Among the casualties were members of Palestinian Dabkeh dance groups. In addition, many artists and writers were injured, some losing limbs and parts of their bodies.

It said that the Palestinian people have contributed significantly to enriching cultural awareness with important achievements that will remain distinctive marks in the progress of humanity; through its Canaanite, Phoenician, Christian, and Islamic civilizations.

‘The silence of international organizations entrusted with protecting heritage sites according to international law in the face of the targeting of our material and non-material heritage is not just a betrayal of our Canaanite Arab civilization’s achievements but also complicity in the destruction of an important part of the world’s memory,’ the report maintained.

These institutions bear a historical responsibility to save humanity’s history and heritage from destruction and theft by the occupation state, which seizes museum collections and heritage sites, just as
Zionist gangs and the occupation army have been doing since the beginning of the colonial settlement project in the country, read the report.

The ministry said: “The silence of international organizations, especially the international community in general, has played a role in encouraging this war against Palestinian cultural heritage.’

‘During the war, we lost dozens of institutions, theaters, libraries, publishing houses, museums, historical buildings, sacred sites, art pieces, and heritage, especially ancient garments and heritage textiles, the statement explained. ‘However, the land remains ours and will return to its glory and splendor when the invaders depart, whether they choose to do so willingly or not.’

Gaza and the historical cities of Palestine have existed since the very beginning of recorded history, and perhaps they were the first points on the map to be marked with history. Despite all the Zionist brutality, they continue to be present and strong, contributing to shaping history and the cul
tural reality in Palestine and the region, stressed the ministry.

The number of civilians killed in Gaza has reached nearly 30,000, while the count of the wounded has reached 60,000. ‘These are not just numbers; they are stories of eternity and resilience. While the bloody massacres against our people continue, our people persist in defending their eternal right to this land despite displacement, destruction, killing, and displacement. The tent is not the destiny of the Palestinians, and it will never replace their homes. Palestine will remain the most beautiful, glorious, purest, and holiest land, and we will not compromise on this,’ said the report.

Despite the difficulty of revealing comprehensive and accurate facts about the losses suffered by the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, this report, prepared by the ministry’s team, aims to shed light on the situation of cultural properties and tangible and intangible heritage in Gaza, where the cultural scene has been subjected to multiple and complex att
acks with various consequences, noted the ministry.

‘Palestinian culture is the genetic code of our national identity, the essence and foundation of our historical narrative, human rights, and political advocacy,’ the report concluded.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA
