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Minister of Agriculture Supports New Egyptian-Saudi Agreement on Fertilizer Production in Nubariya

Cairo: Alaa Farouk, the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, witnessed the signing of a contract between the Agricultural Research Centre and the Saudi Green Company for Agricultural Development for the production of agricultural fertilizers and soil enhancers in the Nubaria area.

According to State Information Service Egypt, the contract was signed by Dr Ahmed Helmy, Director of the Horticultural Research Institute, and Engineer Adel Al-Shammari, Chairman of the Saudi company, in the presence of Dr Adel Abdel-Azim, Head of the Agricultural Research Centre. Following the signing, the Minister of Agriculture welcomed Saudi investments in Egypt, affirming that this is part of the strategic relations and the wise directives of the political leadership in both brotherly countries.

Farouk pointed out that Egypt offers full support for foreign investments, especially Arab and Saudi investments in all fields, particularly agriculture, in order to achieve food security. He noted that Egypt is an open market ready for investment following the package of reforms that have taken place under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, both in terms of infrastructure and legislation.

Dr Adel Abdel-Azim stated that today’s agreement involves foreign expertise and Saudi investments and marks the beginning of cooperation between the centre and the Saudi company, which will include future collaboration in the production of seeds, agricultural fertilizers, and supplies, as well as the provision of all production requirements, particularly vegetable seeds and solar energy. Cooperation with the company will also include training and capacity building for the Saudi side in all agricultural and animal production activities, with training certificates issued by the Agricultural Research Centre for the trainees, approved by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and coordinated with the external agricultural relations of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Al-Shammari expressed his happiness with investing in Egypt, thanking the Minister of Agriculture and the General Authority for Investment in Egypt for removing all obstacles to his company entering the Egyptian market and investing in the promising agricultural sector, benefiting from the package of incentives provided by the Egyptian government. He praised the strong and distinguished relations between Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

The Chairman of the Saudi Green Company for Agricultural Development added that areas of cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Research Centre will also include clean energy, medicinal and aromatic plants, and research outputs, as the centre includes a group of outstanding agricultural scientists in all fields of applied agricultural research. Al-Shammari confirmed that Egypt is the gateway to Africa and that his company enjoys the support of the Saudi Investment Authority, noting that production at the fertiliser plant will begin next June, with marketing of the product both inside and outside Egypt.