Home » Governance » MIKATI CHAIRS CABINET SESSION AT GRAND SERAILFM Shoukry Delivers Letter from President Sisi to Eritrean Counterpart

MIKATI CHAIRS CABINET SESSION AT GRAND SERAILFM Shoukry Delivers Letter from President Sisi to Eritrean Counterpart

Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, is currently presiding over a cabinet session at the Grand Serail. The meeting includes the participation of Deputy Prime Minister Saadeh Shami and ministers. Source: National News Agency-Lebanon Foreign M...

Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, is currently presiding over a cabinet session at the Grand Serail. The meeting includes the participation of Deputy Prime Minister Saadeh Shami and ministers.

Source: National News Agency-Lebanon

Foreign Minster Sameh Shoukry delivered, Thursday 11/1/2024 a letter from President Abdel Fattah al Sisi to his Eritrean counterpart Isaias Afwerki on strengthening bilateral ties and regional developments of mutual interest between the two countries.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid said that Shoukry conveyed President El Sisi’s greetings to his Eritrean counterpart and expressed pride in the fraternal relations between the two countries.

Shoukry affirmed Egypt’s keenness to strengthen its brotherly relations with Eritrea to serve the interests of both nations.

President Afwerki appreciated President El-Sisi’s initiative to send the Foreign Minister to Asmara with a letter, expressing his country’s eagerness to continue cooperation with Egypt to enhance bilateral partnership. He also emphasized the importance of intensifying mechanisms for consultation and coordination to address common challenges.

The two sides discussed several joint cooperation projects and
programs in infrastructure, health, training, and knowledge transfer, the spokesperson noted.

They also addressed issues related to the African continent and developments in the Horn of Africa region, he explained.

Shoukry emphasized Egypt’s commitment to supporting factors of stability, security, and peace in the region, requiring enhanced regional cooperation and coordination, added the spokesperson.

The meeting also touched upon challenges related to the security of the Red Sea as Shoukry highlighted the importance of cooperation among the Red Sea coastal states. He emphasized their pivotal role in the stability of the region and the safety of maritime navigation in this strategic international corridor.

Shoukry reiterated Egypt’s warnings about the risks of the conflict widening as a result of the Israeli war on Gaza. He highlighted Egypt’s multiple efforts and communications at all levels to stop the unjust attacks against the Palestinian people and facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaz
a Strip.

The Foreign Minister expressed Egypt’s full rejection of any attempts to displace or encourage the residents of Gaza Strip to leave their land, considering any measures aimed at liquidating the Palestinian cause as desperate attempts bound to fail.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also mentioned that the two sides agreed to intensify efforts to implement joint cooperation programs and exchange visits at political and technical levels in the coming period to follow up on the results of the Foreign Minister’s visit.

Source: State Information Service Egypt
