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Manpower Minister: We plan to enroll 2.5 mn irregular workers in 1st phase of comprehensive database scheme

Executive Director of the Irregular Employment Account Management Unit at the Ministry of Manpower Reda el Araby said on Sunday 8/1/2023 the ministry intends to set up a comprehensive database covering sectors and groups of irregular workers working within the public and the private sectors on several stages, putting number of targeted first phase beneficiaries at 2.5 irregular laborers, in line with President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s directives on this score.

In statements to MENA Sunday, Araby, who doubles as member of the technical office of Manpower Minister Hassan Shehata, said the minister of manpower instructed finalizing the database encompassing list of intermittent workers, with a view to providing essential health and social care services to them.

All measures are aimed at guaranteeing safety and occupational health conditions for all workers, said the official.

So far, 331,688 irregular workers have been registered on the official central database, operating in the public sector, he added.

Work is now in progress regarding the amendment of bylaws regulating work of irregular workers, mainly Ministerial Decision No. 253 for the Year 2007 and Ministerial Decision No.162 for the Year 2019, according to el-Araby.

All efforts run as part of a protocol signed with the National Organization for Social Insurance (NOSI) to provide social insurance to irregular workers, he said.

Source: State Information Service Egypt