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Local Development Program in Upper Egypt listed in UN as best practice in achieving development goals

The Local Development Program in Upper Egypt has been listed in the United Nations as an example of best practice in achieving the sustainable development goals, Local Development Minister Mahmoud Shaarawi said.

The program has contributed to constructing and upgrading sewage networks, and establishing industrial cities in the Upper Egypt governorates with investments amounting to EGP 4 billion


“The program has started with Sohag and Qena in 2018, which are the poorest governorates,” the minister told the closing session of Egypt-International Cooperation Forum (ICF).


Under the program, some heritage crafts that were about to disappear were revived, groups of people were trained on them and raw materials were supplied, which contributed to the economic empowerment in the two governorates, Shaarawi added.


Source: State Information Service Egypt