
Local development min.: Cost of MSWM component of Kitchener drain project reached 87mn euros

Local Development Minister Mohamed Sharawi said that the cost of the Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) component of Kitchener Drain Depollution Project is 87 million euros.


The minister also gave directives to improve the efficiency of employees in the three governorates; Kafr El Sheikh, Gharbeya and Daqahleya, which benefit from the project.


The MSWM investment component is one of three components forming the integrated depollution program of the Kitchener Drain.


The other two components consist of a wastewater expansion and plant rehabilitation project proposed to be financed by the EIB; and a drain infrastructure rehabilitation project, proposed to be financed by the Bank.


Sovereign loan of up to 79 million euros to the government of Egypt to finance the “MSWM” component of the integrated depollution program for the Kitchener Drain, the main agricultural drain passing through three governorates in the Delta region.


The Kitchener Drain is one of the most severely polluted drains in Egypt causing significant environmental, economic and social harm.


It extends 69 km and passes through the governorates of Kafr El Sheikh (“KES”), Gharbeya (“GHB”) and Dakahleya (“DKH”) and discharges into the Mediterranean Sea.


Pollution of the Kitchener Drain emanates from three main sources: domestic wastewater (poorly treated and/or untreated) from numerous villages within the three governorates; uncontrolled municipal solid waste disposed of along the banks and into the drains; industrial wastewater discharge and fertilizers and pesticides discharges from the agricultural drainage system.


Source: State Information Service Egypt