The Lebanese Association for Taxpayers’ Rights (ALDIC) has sent its report for the year 2023, issued in collaboration with the “Konrad Adenauer Stiftung” Foundation and “The Policy Initiative” Association, as part of the BINA’ program funded by the European Union and managed by Transparency International (TI-LB), to all representatives of the Lebanese people in the Parliament. This report addresses the topic of public financial management in Lebanon.
In a personal letter addressed to each MP, along with the mentioned report, ALDIC explained that “adopting a sound, transparent, and efficient management of public funds is an urgent necessity for Lebanon today, more than ever, especially in the absence of effective oversight, accountability, and transparency, particularly with the exacerbation of the current crisis.” ALDIC added, “Sound public financial management can achieve positive economic and social results, as well as distribute resources more effectively and fairly. Following the principles of successful
modern public financial management achieves sustainable economic growth, which Lebanon urgently needs to emerge from the successive crises afflicting it. All of this, of course, requires good public finance management, securing the necessary revenues, knowing the state’s actual financial needs, and how to collect and spend them according to rules and conditions and under any mechanisms for effective monitoring.”
ALDIC has decided to communicate with parliamentarians , whether individually or through their parliamentary blocs, and send them the above-mentioned report for their close review and constructive action if necessary, or to consider its contents and recommendations. This step will be followed by continuous work meetings to discuss this extremely important matter for Lebanon, as well as to exchange views and experiences in order to explore possible solutions and the possibility of joint action and coordination to issue necessary legislation in this regard.
It is worth noting that ALDIC had previously
met with representatives from both the Lebanese Forces and Kataeb parliamentary blocs in the Parliament, alongside various private sector entities and organizations. These meetings will be followed by continuous ones with all other active parliamentary blocs and major committees, alongside ongoing engagement with Lebanese public opinion through media channels.
The Lebanese Association for Taxpayers’ Rights (ALDIC) was established in 2012. It is dedicated to promoting citizenship and ethical tax practices through compliance, commitment, knowledge dissemination, and informing citizens about their rights and obligations. ALDIC also aims to raise awareness about the importance and dimensions of taxation, as well as encourage citizens to advocate for enhanced oversight of public finances. For over a decade, ALDIC has functioned as an observatory, alerting and mitigating violations and irregularities in the fields of taxes and public finance. It stands as a hub for cooperation, exchange, and initiative, with a mis
sion to serve the general and public interests while promoting good governance. ALDIC firmly believes that effective public fund management is paramount for a modern state to fulfill its core mission of ensuring the well-being of its citizens. It is committed to raising awareness of the role that civil society must play, as the proper management of public funds requires the active participation of citizens, essential for ensuring sound and proper management of public funds. In all its initiatives and activities, ALDIC emphasizes its non-political, non-partisan, and non-denominational role. It works to support the rights of all taxpayers without discrimination and maintains complete independence in all its efforts.
Source: National News Agency – Lebanon