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Lawmakers debate cybercrimes draft law

Lawmakers convened on Thursday to mull over the 2023 CybercRimes draft law, approving some of the articles of the bill. Among the reasons cited for drafting the bill were the rapid development in technology, which calls for the criminalization of ille...

Lawmakers convened on Thursday to mull over the 2023 CybercRimes draft law, approving some of the articles of the bill. Among the reasons cited for drafting the bill were the rapid development in technology, which calls for the criminalization of illegal acts committed via electronic means, and harmonizing the draft law with the Arab Convention on Combating Information Technology Offenses, as well as international standards to combat cybercrimes in accordance with established best practices. Additionally, the bill will provide protection for public and private rights and freedoms against violations, such as extortion, electronic fraud, incitement to violence and hatred, contempt for religions, violation of the sanctity of private life, assaults on electronic payment methods and banking services, protection of critical infrastructure, and the reorganization of certain judicial and police procedures to achieve justice, and organizing the relationship with social media platforms outside the Kingdom.

Source: Jordan News Agency
