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Korea to introduce ‘Top-Tier’ visa to attract high-tech foreign workers

SEOUL: The Republic of Korea will create a new visa programme to attract foreign workers specialising in high-tech industries, the government said Thursday, as the country prepares for a society with a growing foreign population. Justice Minister Par...

SEOUL: The Republic of Korea will create a new visa programme to attract foreign workers specialising in high-tech industries, the government said Thursday, as the country prepares for a society with a growing foreign population.

Justice Minister Park Sung-jae announced the plan as part of a new immigration policy aimed at enhancing social cohesion amid a growing foreign community in the country, Yonhap News Agency reported.

Currently, foreigners make up 2.61 million, or 5 percent, of the total population, and the ministry predicts the foreign population may exceed three million within five years. Under the policy, a “Top-Tier Visa” will be introduced to attract highly skilled foreign workers in high-tech sectors, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum technology and aerospace, by offering immigration and residency benefits.

The government will also introduce a “Youth Dream” visa to provide job and cultural experience opportunities for young people from countries that fought for Korea in the Ko
rean War or nations in economic partnership with Korea. The justice ministry said the scope of the envisioned visa programmes will be determined through consultations with related government agencies.

Additionally, another work visa programme will be created to help regional governments bring in foreign workers in line with their respective development strategies, amid growing depopulation in those regions, the ministry said.

Source: Emirates News Agency