
King inaugurates SOFEX 2024 in Aqaba

His Majesty King Abdullah, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF), on Tuesday inaugurated the Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference SOFEX 2024, in Aqaba, attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bi...

His Majesty King Abdullah, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF), on Tuesday inaugurated the Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference SOFEX 2024, in Aqaba, attended by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Jordan Design and Development Bureau (JODDB) CEO and SOFEX Deputy Chairman Brig. Gen. Ayman Al Batran said hosting SOFEX in Aqaba for the second time in a row offers a greater opportunity to capitalise on the city’s geographical and economic advantages, and enhances Jordan’s position as a destination for international exhibitions and conferences, according to a royal court statement.

SOFEX 2024, held under the theme “Cooperation and Convergence to Strengthen Global Security”, is also hosting the second edition of the Levitate exhibition, a specialised exhibition on drones and unmanned aerial systems, Batran added at the ceremony, attended by Their Royal Highnesses Prince Feisal bin Al Hussein adviser to His Majes
ty and National Policies Council chairperson Prince Hashim bin Al Hussein, Prince Hussein bin Hashim, and Prince Mired bin Ra’ad, Chief Royal Councilor at the Royal Hashemite Court.

For his part, the commander of the King Abdullah II Royal Special Forces Group, Col. Hisham Huneiti said SOFEX is an opportunity to highlight the achievements of JAF in enhancing its capabilities to keep up with current and future requirements in light of regional challenges.

His Majesty also attended an exercise conducted by the King Abdullah II Royal Special Forces Group at the Aqaba International Exhibition and Convention Centre.

The King, accompanied by the Crown Prince, toured SOFEX, which features the latest equipment and technologies in defence and security.

SOFEX CEO Ahmad Taweel said during the tour that the strategy adopted at the 14th edition of SOFEX focuses on development and innovation.

The exhibition included pavilions for JAF, security agencies, and JODDB to showcase their military, technical, and training cap
abilities, as well as key equipment they oversee in terms of manufacturing.

Over three days, this year’s SOFEX features the participation of 73 countries and over 300 companies in the field of defence and weapon manufacturing, as well as the participation of officials and military officers from various countries.

Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh, Acting Senate President Samir Rifai, Judicial Council President Mohammad Ghazou, Royal Court Chief Yousef Issawi, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti, General Intelligence Department Director Maj. Gen. Ahmad Husni, Public Security Directorate Director Maj. Gen. Obaidallah Maaytah, and a number of senior officials attended the inauguration.

Source: Jordan News Agency
