
King holds talks with Spain PM as two countries agree to advance ties to strategic level

His Majesty King Abdullah and President of the Government of Spain Pedro S?nchez held talks in Madrid on Monday, covering bilateral relations, as well as regional and international developments. During bilateral talks followed by expanded talks, atten...

His Majesty King Abdullah and President of the Government of Spain Pedro S?nchez held talks in Madrid on Monday, covering bilateral relations, as well as regional and international developments. During bilateral talks followed by expanded talks, attended by His Royal Highness Prince Hashem bin Abdullah II, the two sides reiterated the deep-rooted and friendly historical ties, expressing keenness to enhance relations further in all fields. King Abdullah expressed appreciation of Spain’s development support for Jordan. Turning to regional developments, His Majesty reaffirmed the centrality of the Palestinian cause and the need to reach just and comprehensive peace, on the basis of the two-state solution, guaranteeing the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital. President of the Government of Spain S?nchez expressed appreciation of Jordan’s pivotal and balanced role in the region, and the Kingdom’s efforts in the fight against terrorism and extremism, within the framework of Aqaba Process meetings. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, Director of the Office of His Majesty Jafar Hassan, Jordan’s Ambassador to Spain Areej Hawamdeh, and a number of senior Spanish officials attended the meeting. The King and the Spanish president of the government witnessed the signing of an agreement between the two governments on cooperation in transport, and a memorandum of understanding on judicial cooperation, signed from the Jordanian side by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, and from the Spanish side by Minister of Transport Raquel S?nchez Jimenez and Minister of Justice Pilar Llop Cuenca. A joint statement was issued following the talks between His Majesty and the Spanish president of the government. Following is the full text: “Joint Declaration of the Official Visit of His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan to Spain In the context of His official visit to Spain, His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan met with His Excellency. Pedro S?nchez, President of the Government of Spain, on June 19th 2023 at the Moncloa Palace. While reaffirming that Jordan and Spain enjoy excellent relations at all levels, H.M. King Abdullah II and H.E. President Pedro S?nchez committed to enhancing the framework of bilateral relations between both countries, and to working together to establish a strategic partnership. In doing so, they agreed to continue deepening cooperation between both countries on many fronts, as well as to work together to pursue regional and global peace, stability and prosperity. Jordan and Spain are committed to developing a stronger multilateral system and a rules-based international order to face global challenges. As founding members of the Barcelona Process, Spain and Jordan reaffirmed the centrality of Euro-Mediterranean relations as a tool for shared prosperity and stability in the region. Both leaders agreed to enhance those relations, including by coordinating the efforts of the Jordanian Co-Presidency of the Union for the Mediterranean and the Spanish rotating Presidency of the EU. Spain recognised the important role played by Jordan for regional stability in the Middle East and the need to preserve and respect the status quo in Muslim and Christian Holy Sites in Jerusalem, and the fundamental role of the Hashemite Custodianship. Spain and Jordan agreed to continue to coordinate their efforts to preserve the two-state solution as the only answer to just and lasting peace. The two leaders stressed the need to stop all unilateral measures that undermine the two states solution. Both leaders also emphasised the importance of supporting UNRWA and urges measures to ensure sufficient funding. Both leaders emphasised the need to accelerate efforts to reach a political solution to the Syrian crisis consistent with UNSC Resolution 2254, that preserves Syria’s unity and territorial integrity, fulfils the aspiration of the Syrian people and ensures conditions conducive to the voluntary return of refugees. The leaders emphasised the need to provide sufficient support to refugees, host countries and UN organizations mandated with caring for them. They also emphasised the importance of supporting the stability and security of Iraq as key to regional stability. The leaders further reaffirmed their commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine in accordance with its internationally recognised borders, and the importance of achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace, consistent with the Charter of the United Nations. They expressed their concern regarding the impact of the war around the world, especially in relation to food and energy insecurity. Highlighting the decades-long efforts of Jordan and its important leadership in managing the successive regional refugee crises and as co-chair of the 2023 Global Refugee Forum, Spain confirmed its participation in the Forum and reiterated its commitment to the Global Refugee Compact. Both leaders agreed to continue their close cooperation and support to UNHCR, a strategic humanitarian partner for both countries, in order to protect people forced to flee their homes and to safeguard their fundamental human rights. Further, the leaders discussed the importance of creating conditions conducive to the voluntary, dignified and safe return of refugees. Spanish efforts will also continue at the bilateral level through the Spanish International Cooperation Agency in order to protect people forced to flee their homes, to safeguard their fundamental human rights and to help them find long-term solutions, including their right to a voluntary, safe and dignified return to their places of origin. The two leaders expressed their joint resolve to counter terrorism, radicalization and extremism in all its forms, including the financing of terrorism, which remains one of the main threats to international security. In this context, they stressed the importance of the values of peace, moderation, coexistence and respect among peoples. H.E. President Pedro Sanchez acknowledged the relevance of the Aqaba Process as a Jordan-led initiative, promoted personally by H.M. King Abdullah II, in the framework of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism. Spain fully supports this initiative -as reflected by the organization of the Cordoba meeting on June 20th 2023- and shares the objectives and spirit of this platform of dialogue. The two leaders agreed that the climate emergency constitutes a direct and existential threat to the global community and to human livelihoods, which requires strong and ambitious action by all countries. Both countries stressed the need for urgently stepping up global climate change ambition with the aim of keeping the 1.5? C goal within reach. With regards to adaptation, both countries acknowledged their vulnerability to the impacts of climate change; as both are prone to extreme weather events, and are already experiencing longer, more frequent and intensive heat waves and droughts. Furthermore, they expressed their desire to expand their cooperation in renewable energies. H.E. President Pedro Sanchez and H.M. King Abdullah II also underlined the importance of providing the support needed to countries in climate hotspots hosting large numbers of refugees. H.M. King Abdullah II and H.E. President Pedro Sanchez announced that Spain endorses Jordan’s Climate-Refugee Nexus initiative, which His Majesty King Abdullah II launched at COP 27 in Sharm El Sheikh. Jordan and Spain committed to enhancing cooperation in the field of climate change with a particular focus on water management. Taking into account the relevance that Jordan attaches to the consequences of water-stress, H.M. King Abdullah II announced that Jordan will join the International Drought Resilience Alliance (IDRA), launched by Spain and Senegal in COP-27, in Sharm el Sheikh. IDRA responds to the urgent need to provide a more coordinated, collaborative, and effective global action that builds drought resilience at the global, regional, national, and local levels and aims to catalyse political momentum and action that supports countries, cities and communities. Both leaders agreed that the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) has become a key platform for intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation, solidly anchored in the United Nations system and remains a useful tool of preventive diplomacy, with great potential to contribute to conflict resolution. Furthermore, the international peacebuilding and security architecture of the UN requires new international alliances, incorporating new technologies, artificial intelligence and technological diplomacy. The Alliance of Civilizations needs to become one of the leading actors in this process. The leaders of Jordan and Spain welcomed the signature of one Memorandum of Understanding regarding cooperation in the field of Justice and an International Administrative Agreement on recognition of maritime navigation certificates. Both agreements are a step forward to add depth to the bilateral relations between Jordan and Spain.”

Source: Jordan News Agency
