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JPC, Palestinian WASSEL company sign cooperation agreement

Jordan Post Company (JPC) and the Palestinian Distribution and Logistics Services (WASSEL ) on Sunday signed a joint cooperation agreement, in implementation of Jordan-Palestinian cooperation protocol. In a statement, JPC said the agreement would enhance the current Jordanian-Palestinian cooperation, noting that JPC supports Palestinian private logistics companies operating in this field. Under the agreement, WASSEL will hand over mail parcels issued in Palestinian National Authority (PNA) territories at King Hussein Bridge to Jordan Post Company, which will then be delivered to its international exchange center in Amman’s Mgableen neighborhood. Then, parcels will be delivered to other countries or distributed to addresses within the Kingdom’s borders, especially since JPC’s Maqbeleen office is accredited as an intermediary entity to globally exchange mail issued from the PNA’s territories, the statement added. This agreement would also expedite postal exchange operations with all world countries, aimed to help the Palestinian people to send postal items “as quickly as possible.” The agreement also provides an opportunity to deliver medical samples to Amman-based Al-Hussein Cancer Hospital and other laboratories in the Kingdom.

Source: Jordan News Agency