
Jordan’s hosting of Gaza conference comes at important, sensitive time, says Saudi official

Amman: Advisor at the Saudi Royal Court and General Supervisor of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), Abdullah Al Rabeeah, thanked His Majesty King Abdullah II, HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, and the Jordanian ...

Amman: Advisor at the Saudi Royal Court and General Supervisor of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), Abdullah Al Rabeeah, thanked His Majesty King Abdullah II, HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, and the Jordanian government for organizing and hosting the “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” conference.

During a press meeting held at the Saudi Embassy on Wednesday, Al Rabeeah said that the conference, which was held in partnership between Jordan, Egypt, and the United Nations, and attended by leaders of these countries, came at an important and sensitive time, given the difficult and negative impacts that the Palestinian people in Gaza are suffering, as well as the challenges due to the war launched by Israel on Gaza.

“There was a high-level presence from several countries, and Saudi Arabia participated with a high-level delegation and made clear in its speech that it stands at the political and humanitarian level with the Palestinian people, as well
as Saudi Arabia’s keenness to stop this war urgently, to restore humanitarian aid without restrictions, and to open all border crossings,” Al Rabeeah said.

He added that the recommendations of the conference were time-convenient, expressing his hope that these recommendations will be translated on the ground as soon as possible.

He underlined that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, under the guidance of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his Crown Prince, launched a public campaign for Gaza relief from day one, which amounted to SAR 700 million, and launched an air bridge through which 52 planes carrying relief aid were sent, as well as a sea bridge through which eight ships were sent.

“Today, there is coordination with Jordan, with the support of the government, to enter aid through Jordan and contribute to airdrops, and this is part of an integrated program to support our people in Gaza, and we hope that we can enter this aid from all border crossings,” he said. He called for increasing international pr
essure on Israel through various media outlets to open all border crossings, stressing that nothing can replace the land crossings and the entry of aid to the Gaza Strip, as there are hundreds of convoys and trucks now in Rafah.

He pointed out that there is another program now arranged through Jordan, through which we hope that this aid will reach its beneficiaries.

Al Rabeeah revealed that the first international conference for conjoined twins will be held in Riyadh on November 24-25 under the patronage of the Saudi king, with wide international participation.

During the meeting, Al Rabeeah briefed Jordanian and Palestinian media outlets on the KSrelief’s efforts in the Gaza Strip, and the its work, projects and programs within the framework of the humanitarian response to the Gaza Strip, in light of the Saudi participation in the “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza” conference, held on Tuesday in the Dead Sea area.

Source: Jordan News Agency
