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Jordan, WFP dispatch aid convoy to Gaza

Amman: Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO), in cooperation with World Food Programme (WFP), dispatched a new food aid convoy to people in the Gaza Strip, consisting of 46 trucks loaded with 750 tonnes of relief materials.

In a statement on Wednesday, JHCO Secretary-General, Hussein Shibli, said the convoy carries “essential long-term” food supplies, which will be distributed by relevant aid authorities in Gaza.

Shibli noted food supplies are of “an utmost necessity” to face the humanitarian catastrophe in the coastal enclave, as per reports from the official authorities working there.

From this standpoint, he affirmed JHCO prepared a new convoy carrying basic foodstuffs that are easy to prepare and consume by Gaza people.

Shibli pointed out that this JHCO-WFP cooperation aims to expand to send aid “continuously and in larger” quantities of food supplies to Gaza and achieve His Majesty’s vision for Jordan to be a regional center for food security and emergency response.

To date, he announced a to
tal of 22 aircrafts and 76 trucks were sent by JHCO to people in Gaza, carrying medical, food and relief supplies.

JHCO continues to receive cash donations through its bank account at Bank al Etihad No. JO32 UBSI 1030 0000 4010 1659 9151 06 or e-wallets, or click JHCOGAZA, in addition to “eFAWATEERcom” and through its website
Source: Jordan News Agency