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Jordan partakes in Arab League’s ESC in Cairo

Jordan took part in the preparatory committee meetings for the 114th session of the Arab League's Economic and Social Council (ESC), which began at the organization's headquarters in advance of the ministerial meeting of the ESC, which is set to take ...

Jordan took part in the preparatory committee meetings for the 114th session of the Arab League’s Economic and Social Council (ESC), which began at the organization’s headquarters in advance of the ministerial meeting of the ESC, which is set to take place on Thursday.

On Monday, Jordan handed over the presidency of the ESC session to the United Arab Emirates, which will preside over the 114th session.

In a speech during the preparatory meetings, the economic advisor at the Permanent Delegation of Jordan to the Arab League, Muhannad Ghash, stressed the need to strengthen Arab economic and social cooperation and integration to overcome the economic and social effects suffered by some Arab countries as a result of the geopolitical situation and instability in the region that affected development efforts and gains by working to achieve optimal convergence between legislative and technical systems among Arab countries.

In view of the current conditions and difficulties facing the region and the world, he empha
sized the need of attaining Arab economic integration and its enormous role in overcoming economic crises and their aftermath.

He highlighted some of the achievements made during Jordan’s presidency of the ESC’s 113th session, especially the Arab Strategy for Youth, Peace and Security and the Arab Strategy for Water Security in the Arab Region to meet the challenges and future requirements for sustainable development, in addition to following up on the achievements of the committees for the updated and complementary annexes to the executive program of the region, completing the discussion on the proposal to launch the Arab Trade Monitor, mechanisms for organizing exhibitions and forums, and coordination between the concerned parties to implement the action plan to activate the trade liberalization agreement, and taking a decision to support member states in inviting the League of Arab States to join the World Trade Organization as an observer.

On Wednesday, the meetings at the level of ESC senior officialsw
ill be held before the meeting at the ministerial level on Thursday at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States. Minister of Government Communications, Muhannad Mubaidin, said that universities should offer specializations that reflect global advancements in technology and digital media.

Mubaidin spoke on Monday at the inaugural ceremony of the new Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Digital Marketing at German Jordanian University (GJU), which was attended by the university’s president, Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli, faculty members, and representatives from digital marketing organizations.

According to Mubaidin, universities should specialize in digital marketing because traditional marketing strategies are no longer effective in reaching the public in the political and developmental spheres. Instead, new, clever digital marketing that offers new products is the only way to reach the public.

Mubaidin, who is also the government spokesperson, stated that Jordanian youth have demonstrat
ed a strong ability to innovate in a variety of electrical disciplines. These young Jordanians also work in major international companies, and that Jordan is known for being a fertile market for talented and trained young talent.

He also emphasized the importance of digital marketing, citing the global volume of retail e-commerce last year, which totaled over $5.8 trillion, including over $2 trillion via mobile phones.

In addition, he underlined the importance of using digital marketing to showcase our country’s accomplishments and draw attention to its tourism attractions and archeological sites, such the new UNESCO-listed ancient city of Umm Al-Jimal.

Al-Halhouli, for his part, said that the introduction of the Bachelor of Digital Marketing program is a reaction to the demands of the regional and international market, particularly Germany, which is the fifth-largest e-commerce market in the world.

He explained that the program’s goal is to prepare students to fulfill the needs of local, German, and worl
dwide businesses seeking to establish marketing strategies for Arabic, English, or German-speaking consumers, which necessitates multilingual abilities.

He clarified that the curriculum takes a different approach, emphasizing stakeholder involvement, and that graduates will have a significant edge in both domestic and global job markets because they will be empowered and aware of the true demands of the labor market.

According to Al-Halhouli, there are more than 66 million digital users in Germany, while overall e-commerce sales in Germany recorded $83 billion and by 2030, a figure is projected to reach a total of $100 billion.

At the ceremony, a presentation on the GJU’s new program was showcased, and a related panel discussion was held, in the presence of several stakeholders.

Source:Jordan News Agency
