
Jordan: Israel’s threat to use WMDs constitutes violation of jus cogens of international law

TMC: THREE DEAD, FOUR INJURED IN FIVE ROAD ACCIDENTS WITHIN LAST 24 HOURS Three persons have been reported dead and four injured in five road accidents within the last 24 hours, the Traffic Management Center said on Monday. Source: National N...


Three persons have been reported dead and four injured in five road accidents within the last 24 hours, the Traffic Management Center said on Monday.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Jordan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN) Mahmoud Daifallah Hmoud said that “Israel’s threat to use weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) will not provide it with security or stability and constitute a violation of jus cogens of the international law.” “Israel won’t be able to enjoy security and stability without achieving a just, comprehensive, and long-lasting peace that upholds the Palestinian people’s rights to establish their independent, sovereign state within the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, in compliance with international law, the UN Charter, and pertinent resolutions of international legitimacy,” Hmoud told the fourth session of the UN Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on Monday. The greatest testament to Israel’s disrespect for global efforts to achieve a nuclear-weapon-free world is its steadfast refusal to take part in the conference, join the Treaty on the Non-Prol
iferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and submit its nuclear facilities and operations to the IAEA’s comprehensive safeguards system, Hmoud added in his keynote speech at the conference. Hmoud noted that Israel has been threatening to drop an atomic bomb on innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip, among other options, through one of the current government’s ministers. He emphasized that WMDs and the threat to use them are internationally prohibited under international law and are considered a violation of jus cogens of the international law. Hmoud cited the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice regarding the threat or use of nuclear weapons. This is a threat to commit genocide, and all states have a responsibility to prevent it. “Our message in this conference is clear: we must redouble international efforts to establish the free zone. This is a responsibility that falls on the entire international community in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions, particularly Security Council
Resolutions No. 487 of 1981 and Resolution 687 of 1991 issued under Chapter Seven of the United Nations Charter,” Hmoud concluded.

Source: Jordan News Agency
