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Jordan has made significant achievements in digital transformation, says minister, 1st add

Regarding the digital identity, Hanandeh said that it is a set of variables used by the citizen to identify himself without his presence in person and includes 5 criteria, covering the national number, name, password, verification code, and phone numb...

Regarding the digital identity, Hanandeh said that it is a set of variables used by the citizen to identify himself without his presence in person and includes 5 criteria, covering the national number, name, password, verification code, and phone number. Work is underway to add a facial print so that the criteria can be used as needed, pointing out that the digital signature has become available and recognized by law except in some cases, and digital documents are adopted in most institutions.

Hanandeh added that one of the pillars of the strategy is the basic challenge where the re-engineering and simplification of procedures is related to the institutional culture, which requires a period of time because it is related to legislative requirements.

He pointed to digital payments for most government services that are conducted electronically, with the goal of reaching 100 percent electronic payments by the end of 2025.

He added that one of the pillars is the legislation governing digital transformation. “We
have completed legislation specific to the ministry and legislation that has been sent to the Prime Ministry for consideration.”

He pointed to data and its management and efforts to shift towards decisions based on data analysis, in cooperation with specialized experts to manage and analyze it.

He also pointed to a set of programs concerned with modern technologies, such as the artificial intelligence (AI) policy, the executive plan, and e-mathematics, in addition to some of the pillars of the economic modernization vision and the public sector modernization plan.

He noted that there are projects related to the human element that the ministry is implementing in cooperation with partners from various sectors, including the education sector, to develop the skills of students and graduates to keep pace with the labor market, adding that agreements have been signed with more than 12 universities to train students in IT specialties and other disciplines, and the digital curriculum will be taught in schools next

Source: Jordan News Agency
