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JIB wins 2023 best Islamic bank in Jordan award

Amman: The Islamic Finance News (IFN) magazine announced that Jordan Islamic Bank (JIB) won the Best Islamic Bank in Jordan for 2023.

JIB was selected for this award due to the excellence of its services and products and its outstanding record of achievements and successes in the Jordanian and Islamic banking sectors.

The IFN, a Malaysian-based magazine, is one of the key international magazines specialized in the Islamic banking sector, and its awards are considered one of the most transparent and competitive global awards, as the evaluation of the awards is subject to strict criteria when voting directly to the readers of the magazine from investors, financial intermediaries, businessmen, and experts in the Islamic banking sector, from various sectors and the opinion of neutral parties, and the institutions and banks participating in the awards cannot vote for them.

JIB CEO Hussein Saeed, lauded the bank’s outstanding results that led it to receive recognition from Islamic Finance News, a magazine that h
ighlights successful Islamic financial institutions in their respective countries to serve as an example of how to achieve success. Since 2012, our bank has been receiving awards from this magazine in addition to many other international awards.

He stressed the constant keenness to achieve the bank’s future strategy against various challenges and maintaining the bank’s prestigious position and strong financial position and providing advanced products for various sectors that are compatible with the provisions and principles of Shari’ah.

Source: Jordan News Agency