Issawi inaugurates, checks on Royal initiatives projects in Maan

Royal Court Chief, Yousef Issawi, on Thursday inaugurated royal initiatives projects in the Maan Governorate, in implementation of His Majesty King Abdullah’s directives he issued during his meetings with southern governorate’s citizens. Achieving sustainable social and economic development, the positive effects of which reflects on citizens in various regions of the Kingdom is at the top of His Majesty’s priorities, as the royal initiatives cover local communities’ needs, in an effort to bring about a qualitative shift reflected on target groups. These initiatives included opening a 5-Dunum park. The park includes green spaces, and areas designated for children’s games, a five-a-side football field, health and recreational facilities, and places for sand and rubber games of international standards to serve families and children. Issawi, who is also head of the follow up committee for the implementation of Royal initiatives, checked on the fish farming project, in the Al-Jafr area, which was established within the framework of the productive branches initiative, which was launched under royal directives in 2008. Issawi also checked on progress of several development projects across Maan. Issawi said that royal initiatives constituted a distinct shift towards a comprehensive and integrated vision for sustainable development. “In implementation of royal directives, initiatives and operational service and development projects that provide jobs for young men and women and support targeted communities will continue to be launched,” Issawi confirmed. Issawi explained that royal directives focus on expanding royal initiatives projects, especially the operational production branches initiative, the implementation of agricultural and industrial activities in remote areas, and the establishment of parks and gardens within the framework of a cooperative relationship with government agencies, civil society institutions and the private sector under the supervision of the Follow-up Committee for the Implementation of Royal Initiatives at the Royal Court. Senior government officials and officials in Maan accompanied Issawi in his visit.

Source: Jordan News Agency

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