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Israeli soldiers and colonists attack Palestinians, destroy crops in Hebron

HEBRON: Israeli occupation soldiers and colonists assaulted Palestinian citizens today and destroyed crops south of the West Bank city of Hebron. Medical and local sources told WAFA that the occupation forces assaulted and beat up a man in his 30s so...

HEBRON: Israeli occupation soldiers and colonists assaulted Palestinian citizens today and destroyed crops south of the West Bank city of Hebron.

Medical and local sources told WAFA that the occupation forces assaulted and beat up a man in his 30s south of Hebron, causing him injuries and bruises which necessitated his transfer to hospital for treatment.

In Yatta town, colonists from the Itzkhar Man colony attacked sheep shepherds in Wadi Al-Jawaya and forced them to leave the pastures after assaulting them.

They also vandalized a fence placed around the lands of the Al-Nawajaa family, unleashed their livestock on crops owned by several other families, and prevented a citizen from plowing his land.

the Israeli occupation soldiers further detained a resident in his 30s after assaulting him in the Masafer Yatta area, south of Hebron.

Meanwhile, colonists planted trees in privately-owned Palestinian land in the Quwaiwis area in Masafer Yatta, while others chased sheepherders and prevented them from reaching
pastures in the Wadi Ma’in area.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA
