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Israeli settlers shoot and injure two farmers, forces detain two near Hebron

HEBRON: Israeli settlers Tuesday fired live bullets at a group of farmers while they were cultivating their lands in the town of Al-Samu', south of Hebron, while the occupation soldiers also detained two of them. WAFA correspondent reported that sett...

HEBRON: Israeli settlers Tuesday fired live bullets at a group of farmers while they were cultivating their lands in the town of Al-Samu’, south of Hebron, while the occupation soldiers also detained two of them.

WAFA correspondent reported that settlers from the illegal ‘Otnael’ settlement opened fire on a group of farmers in Khallet Nias in the town of Al-Samou’, while they were cultivating their lands. No injuries were reported.

The occupation army also detained farmers Turki Shehda Abu Awad and Salim Hamdan Abu Awad.

The occupation detained a number of farmers and prevented them from entering their lands in the Sadda al-Thaghla area, east of Yatta, south of Hebron.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA
