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Israeli settlers demolish structures near Hebron

HEBRON: Israeli settlers Monday demolished an agricultural room and stone chains in the town of Tarqumiya, northwest of Hebron. An activist in the Wall and Settlement Resistance Committees, Suleiman Al-Marqatun, said that colonists demolished an agri...

HEBRON: Israeli settlers Monday demolished an agricultural room and stone chains in the town of Tarqumiya, northwest of Hebron.

An activist in the Wall and Settlement Resistance Committees, Suleiman Al-Marqatun, said that colonists demolished an agricultural room in the Taybeh area, ‘Farsh Al-Hawa,’ belonging to local resident Magdy Hijazi, and stone chains on the land owned by Ibrahim Al-Marqatan.

He added that the occupation forces prevented Palestinians from approaching their lands in the Taiba area, near the ‘Adora’ settlement, which is seeing attacks by settlers targeting Palestinian citizens’ property.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA
