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Israeli colonists place mobile homes on Palestinian lands in Salfit

SALFIT: Israeli colonists placed a number of mobile homes today on Palestinian-owned lands in the town of Deir Istiya, located in the occupied West Bank province of Salfit, in an attempt to expand a colonial settlement outpost in the region, according...

SALFIT: Israeli colonists placed a number of mobile homes today on Palestinian-owned lands in the town of Deir Istiya, located in the occupied West Bank province of Salfit, in an attempt to expand a colonial settlement outpost in the region, according to local sources.

Firas Diab, the mayor of Deir Istiya, reported that colonists set up mobile homes in the area in order to expand the colonial settlement outpost, which is illegally constructed on stolen Palestinian land. Diab noted that the area has been subject to continuous attacks by Israeli forces and colonists in recent weeks.

He further explained that Israeli military bulldozers are actively involved in excavating the land to facilitate the expansion of the outpost.

Diab revealed that colonists forcibly expelled local residents from the area and fired live ammunition at them, preventing them from accessing their lands and returning to their homes.

Terror attacks by Israeli colonist militias are a common feature of the daily life under colonial occupa
tion regime, but have seen exponential growth in recent months with the rise of ultranationalist fascism in Israel’s government coalition.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA
