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Israeli colonists attack Palestinian family east of Bethlehem

BETHLEHEM: Israeli colonists launched an attack today on the Palestinian family of Swarka in the village of Kisan, located east of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources. Hassan Brijieh, a local official, told WAFA that a gro...

BETHLEHEM: Israeli colonists launched an attack today on the Palestinian family of Swarka in the village of Kisan, located east of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, according to local sources.

Hassan Brijieh, a local official, told WAFA that a group of colonists attacked Ibrahim Swarka, a local resident, and his family members in their tent located in the Wadi Basbas area east of the village. The assailants aimed to force them out of their land, he added.

Brijieh reported that the colonialists threatened Swarka, warning him not to return to the area, and attempted to seize his agricultural tractor.

This marks the latest in a series of attacks on the family, who had previously endured assaults resulting in Ibrahim Swarka sustaining a leg injury.

Source: Palestine news and Information Agency – WAFA
