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Israeli authorities prevent diplomats from entering Hebron’s Ibrahimi Mosque

HEBRON: Israeli occupation authorities Monday prevented members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the State of Palestine from entering ??the Ibrahimi Mosque area in the Old city of Hebron during a tour visit to the city to gain first-hand knowledg...

HEBRON: Israeli occupation authorities Monday prevented members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the State of Palestine from entering ??the Ibrahimi Mosque area in the Old city of Hebron during a tour visit to the city to gain first-hand knowledge of the situation in light of Israeli forces and colonists ongoing violations.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said that the diplomats carried out a field tour in the Hebron Governorate and its old town, and were provided with a detailed explanation about the systematic daily Israeli forces’ and colonists’ attacks against Palestinian citizens and their properties in the city.

In addition, the diplomats were briefed on the occupation’s temporal and spatial division of the al-Ibrahimi mosque in an attempt to Judaize it and alter its religious character.

The ministry indicated that the Israeli ban on diplomats’ entry to the al-Ibrahimi Mosque comes in an attempt to prevent them from seeing first-hand its crimes of Judaization, theft of land and a
ttempts to change the character of the mosque.

The ministry, in cooperation and coordination with the Hebron governorate, organized a field tour to the Hebron governorate for members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the State of Palestine. More than 30 ambassadors, heads of mission and international organizations participated in the tour.

The diplomats were also briefed on the occupation’s schemes aimed at forcibly evicting and displacing citizens to replace them with colonists.

Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA
