Home » Miscellaneous » Islamic Resistance targets Israeli Ramtha outpost in Kfar Shuba hills, Zebdin barracks in Shebaa Farms

Islamic Resistance targets Israeli Ramtha outpost in Kfar Shuba hills, Zebdin barracks in Shebaa Farms

The Islamic Resistance issued a communique this afternoon, indicating that in support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted at 5:50 pm the enemy's Ramtha outpost in the occupied Lebanese hills ...

The Islamic Resistance issued a communique this afternoon, indicating that in support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted at 5:50 pm the enemy’s Ramtha outpost in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kfar Shuba, hitting it directly with missileweapons.

It added in another communique that its fighters also targeted at 5:50 om today the enemy’s Zebdin barracks in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with missile weapons.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon
