
HM the King Offers Condolences to Palestinian President on Death of His Nephew

Rabat - HM King Mohammed VI sent a message of condolences and compassion to president of the State of Palestine, HE Mahmoud Abbas, following the death of his nephew, late Rida Ata Abbas, Assistant Director-General of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agenc...

Rabat – HM King Mohammed VI sent a message of condolences and compassion to president of the State of Palestine, HE Mahmoud Abbas, following the death of his nephew, late Rida Ata Abbas, Assistant Director-General of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency.

In this message, HM the King said he had learned with deep sorrow of the sad news of the death of the Palestinian President’s nephew, Rida Ata Abbas, may God surround him with His holy mercy.

On this sad occasion, HM the King expresses to the members of the deceased’s family and, through them to all of his friends and relatives, His deep condolences and His sincere feelings of compassion following the disappearance of a person renowned for his commitment to strengthen fraternity and solidarity ties between Moroccan and Palestinian peoples.

The Sovereign said He remembers with consideration, at this painful moment, the great human qualities of the deceased as well as his self-sacrifice and dedication in the various positions he held, notably as Assistant Dir
ector-General of the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency ‘which enjoys Our High Solicitude and Benevolence,’ adding that the deceased, may God rest his soul in His holy mercy, bore a sincere affection and esteem for Morocco, his second country.

‘In sharing your grief at this painful loss, We pray to the Most High to grant you patience and comfort and to grant the best of retributions to the deceased in reward for his commendable deeds and services to his homeland,’ HM the King said.

In this message, HM the King prays to the Almighty to preserve the Palestinian president from all misfortune, to perpetuate upon him good health and long life to continue his sincere efforts to achieve the aspirations of the brave brotherly Palestinian people towards progress and prosperity within the framework of peace, freedom and independence.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse
