
His Majesty the King Delivers Speech to 33rd Summit of League of Arab States (Full Text)

Manama - His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, delivered a speech to the 33rd Summit of the League of Arab States, which kicked off on Thursday in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. Here follows the full text of the Royal Speech, read out by Hea...

Manama – His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, delivered a speech to the 33rd Summit of the League of Arab States, which kicked off on Thursday in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.

Here follows the full text of the Royal Speech, read out by Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch.

“My dearest brother, Your Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Chairman of the Thirty-Third Arab Summit,

Your Majesties,

Your Excellencies,

Your Highnesses,

Your Excellency, Mr. Secretary-General of the League of Arab States,

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks and deep appreciation to my dearest brother, Your Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, for your kind invitation to attend this Arab Summit. I wish our sister nation, the Kingdom of Bahrain, every success in chairing this Thirty-Third Arab Summit.

I also wish to extend my sincere thanks to my esteemed brother, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and to His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moham
med bin Salman, for successfully chairing the previous Arab Summit.

Your Majesties,

Your Excellencies,

Your Highnesses,

The convening of this important summit at this critical juncture – both regionally and at the global level – attests to our common desire to tackle pressing issues facing our Arab Ummah, based on a forward-looking and realistic vision aimed at helping us improve the current situation and rise to security and development challenges.

In this regard, the difficult circumstances affecting the Palestinian question today as a result of the blatant Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip only enhance our determination to make sure the Palestinian issue remains at the core of efforts to establish a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

In this respect, I wish to reiterate our firm support for our Palestinian brothers and sisters with a view to helping them regain their legitimate rights through the establishment of their independent, sovereign state on June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusal
em as its capital, on the basis of the two-state solution.

The current reprisals in the Gaza Strip have revealed grave violations that are at odds with the provisions of international law and international humanitarian law.

I therefore reiterate my strong condemnation of the killing of innocent people. I also stress that imposing a new reality in the Gaza Strip and attempting to forcibly displace Palestinians are unacceptable acts. They will only aggravate the situation and further fuel violence and instability.

In this regard, I wish to reaffirm that the Gaza Strip is an integral part of the Palestinian territories and of the unified Palestinian state. I must also insist on the need to accelerate the steady provision of humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in the entire Gaza Strip, and to make sure defenceless civilians are better protected.

As Chairman of the al-Quds Committee, and working in close coordination with my brother, His Excellency Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, I sha
ll continue to exert all possible efforts to preserve the legal, historical and cultural status of the Holy City.

Through the field work carried out by the Bayt Mal al-Quds Agency, which is the executive arm of the al-Quds Committee, I have made sure concrete plans and projects continue to be implemented. The aim is to preserve the cultural identity of the Holy City, improve the social and living conditions of its inhabitants, and support their steadfastness as well as their continued presence in the City.

As for the painful and unfortunate conditions suffered by some sister Arab nations, the Kingdom of Morocco hopes that the situation will soon stabilize in these countries, and that dialogue and peaceful initiatives will prevail, instead of the logic of force or military solutions, thereby contributing to practical, effective and sustainable settlements.

Your Majesties,

Your Excellencies,

Your Highnesses,

I regret to say that inter-Arab economic integration has yet to reach the level to which we aspire
, despite the fact that our countries have all the ingredients for success.

It must be emphasized, in this regard, that this situation is not an inevitable destiny. However, it requires the adoption of a realistic vision firmly rooted in joint action and a commitment to the principles of good neighbourliness, respect for the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of states, and a pledge to refrain from interfering in their affairs, or sow the seeds of division and secession.

Having said that, I cannot but regret, once again, that the Arab Maghreb Union has not been able to play its natural role with respect to supporting co-development in the Maghreb countries by ensuring, in particular, the free movement of people, capital, goods and services between the five countries making up the Union.

Your Majesties,

Your Excellencies,

Your Highnesses,

The future of our Arab Ummah hinges on the formulation of a common strategic vision, making sure there is genuine political will to consolidate its unity an
d close its ranks in order to serve the common interests of our peoples and fulfil their aspirations for greater understanding and integration among its members.

This means we should devote special attention to our human resources – especially Arab youth – and enhance their skills and qualifications. We should, in particular, make sure modern means and methods are acquired in the areas of education and training, and create more job opportunities for young people in various sectors to help them engage in political life and be part of our nations’ economic and social fabrics.

Properly trained principled, responsible youth are the true wealth of our nations. Giving them such training is the best way to enhance the standing of our countries and make sure our nations can effectively tackle the crucial issues facing them and be influential actors in their respective regional and international environments.

May God grant us success for the well-being of our Arab Ummah, and help us achieve our peoples’ legitimate

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse
