
His Majesty the King Chairs Council of Ministers

Casablanca - His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, chaired, on Saturday at the Royal Palace in Casablanca, a Council of Ministers devoted to the adoption of the Strategic Guidelines of the State's shareholding policy, a draft organic law a...

Casablanca – His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, chaired, on Saturday at the Royal Palace in Casablanca, a Council of Ministers devoted to the adoption of the Strategic Guidelines of the State’s shareholding policy, a draft organic law and a number of draft decrees relating to the military domain, as well as appointments to senior positions, says a statement by the Spokesperson of the Royal Palace, Abdelhak El Mrini.

Here follows the translation of the statement:

‘His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, chaired on Saturday June 1, 2024, corresponding to 23 Dhu al-Qidah 1445 AH, at the Royal Palace in Casablanca, a Council of Ministers devoted to the adoption of the Strategic Guidelines of the State’s shareholding policy, a draft organic law and a number of draft decrees concerning the military domain, as well as appointments to senior positions.

At the start of the Council’s proceedings, the Minister of Economy and Finance made a presentation to His Majesty the King on the Strategic
Guidelines of the State’s Shareholding Policy.

The Minister emphasized that the reform of the sector of public establishments and companies takes place pursuant to the High Royal Guidance, and aims to reconfigure the public portfolio and improve its management, and to carry out reforms in some key sectors of the national economy, so as to ensure an accessible and high-quality public service offer, and to accelerate the development of the State’s shareholding policy.

She noted that the State’s shareholding policy represents one of the pillars of the reform of the sector of public establishments and companies, the implementation of which is the responsibility of the National Agency for the Strategic Management of State Holdings. It also reflects the strategic guidelines and overall objectives of the State’s shareholding, its role in the governance of public establishments and companies, and the way in which it implements this policy.

The Minister explained that the State’s shareholding policy is structured a
round the following seven strategic guidelines:

Firstly: Enshrine the sector of public establishments and companies as a strategic lever for consolidating national sovereignty by supporting the State’s efforts in a range of vital sectors, in particular energy, health, water, food security, the environment, connectivity and mobility.

Secondly: Make the sector of public establishments and companies a driving force behind continental and international integration, helping to meet geostrategic challenges, safeguard the Kingdom’s interests and strengthen South-South cooperation, particularly with sister African countries.

Thirdly: Make the sector of public establishments and companies a pillar for boosting private investment through the establishment of proactive partnerships with the private sector, with a view to complementing and reinforcing the private sector’s contribution to the national economic dynamic.

Fourthly: Make the sector of public establishments and companies a catalyst for a competitive econom
y and a vehicle for sharing added value and promoting productive employment, in particular by supporting viable, agile business models in line with regulatory requirements, the competitive environment and market opportunities.

Fifthly: Establish the sector of public establishments and companies as an active player in territorial equity, in the service of economic, social, financial and digital inclusion, within the framework of advanced regionalization, while ensuring territorial equity and guaranteeing equitable access for citizens to quality public services.

Sixthly: Make the sector of public establishments and companies responsible resources managers, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, by strengthening the contribution of public establishments and enterprises to promoting responsible management of natural resources and strengthening the country’s resilience to the challenges of climate change.

Seventhly: Reinforce the exemplary role of public establishments and companies in terms of governa
nce and performance, by actively managing its public portfolio of holdings or divestments, with the aim of optimizing the value of the tangible and intangible assets of public establishments and companies, and improving their performance.

After adopting the strategic guidelines for the State’s shareholding policy, the Council of Ministers examined and approved the draft organic law amending and supplementing the organic law on appointments to senior positions. This draft text proposes:

– To add the following establishments to the list of strategic public establishments, whose heads are appointed after deliberation by the Council of Ministers:

.Grand Atlas Development Agency;

.National Social Assistance Agency;

.High Authority of Health;

.Territorial health groupings;

.Moroccan Agency for Medicines and Health Products;

.The Moroccan Agency for Blood and its Derivatives.

– To remove the Higher Institute of Magistracy from the list of strategic public establishments. The Director of this institution wil
l be appointed by His Majesty the King on the proposal of the President Delegate of the Supreme Council of the Judiciary Power, in accordance with the provisions of the law relating to the reorganization of this Institute.

– To include the position of ‘President of the General Council for Agricultural Development’ in the list of senior positions in public establishments, the heads of which are appointed after deliberation by the Council of Government.

Subsequently, the Council of Ministers approved four decrees relating to the military domain, and this in implementation of the High solicitude which His Majesty the King, Supreme Commander and Chief of the General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces, continues to grant to the promotion of the professional and social conditions of the members of the FAR. These are the following draft decrees:

– Draft decree on the creation of two defense industrial acceleration zones aimed at setting up industrial zones to accommodate defense industries related to defense and sec
urity equipment, weapons and munitions.

– Draft decree amending and supplementing the decree laying down the special status of the body of teaching researchers in medicine, pharmacy and dentistry. It aims to enshrine scientific and academic excellence as a fundamental criterion for access to the profession of teacher-researcher and to professional promotion, to streamline procedures for professional promotion and to grant a functional allowance to teachers in charge of departments and centers within military hospital establishments, following the example of teachers in charge of hospital services within these establishments.

– Draft decree amending and supplementing the decree establishing the National Coordination Committee for Hydrography, Oceanography and Marine Cartography. It adds the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates or his representative to the members of the said Committee.

– Draft decree supplementing the decree on the status of military attachés, their depu
ties and other military personnel assigned to them. Its purpose is to create the post of military attaché at the Kingdom’s Embassy in Brasilia, consolidating the ties with the State of Brazil.

And in accordance with Article 49 of the Constitution and on the proposal of the Head of Government :

On the initiative of the Minister of Equipment and Water, His Majesty the King, may God preserve Him, has kindly appointed :

– Mr Mustapha Farès, Director General of the National Ports Agency (ANP);

– Mr. Mohammed Cherkaoui Eddeqaqi, Managing Director of Moroccan National Highway Company (ADM);

On the initiative of the Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, His Majesty the King has appointed:

– Mr. Tarik Hammane, Managing Director of the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE);

– Mr. Tarik Moufaddal, Chief Executive Officer of the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN);

At the initiative of the Minister of Transport and Logistics, the Sovereign, may God glorify Him, h
as appointed Mr. Adil El Fakir Managing Director of the National Airports Office (ONDA).

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse
