Minister of Health and Population Khaled Abdel Ghaffar on Friday 27/01/2023 attended the inaugural ceremony of the “Fahim” Foundation for Psychological Support, which is directed by former immigration minister Nabila Makram.
The event was also attended by ministers, ambassadors, governors, MPs, chairmen of national councils, public figures, members of international organizations, psychiatrists, writers, and representatives of civil society organizations.
During a session on mental health in Egypt, Abdel Ghaffar discussed the Health and Population Ministry’s efforts to provide mental support services.
According to the minister, all entities involved and partner agencies must work together to combat mental illness.
President Abdel Fattah El Sisi approved the initiation of a program to care for citizens’ mental health, he added.
The minister stressed the importance of expanding research to produce an accurate map of mental disorders in Egypt.
According to studies, 25% of individuals globally were living with a mental disorder, Abdel Ghaffar said.
He added that societal stigma is one of the most serious issues confronting Egypt in promoting mental illness treatment.
The minister also observed the signing of a cooperation protocol between the Ministry of Health and the “Fahim” Foundation for providing mental health services by educating competent doctors to maintain patient confidentiality.
Under the protocol, scientific seminars will be held to improve the capabilities of young psychiatrists working in government hospitals, as well as to attract Egyptian doctors living abroad to volunteer as therapists on the Ministry of Health’s mental health and addiction treatment electronic platform.
Source: State Information Service Egypt